The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

Just my opinion but Void Elves seems to be a knee jerk response by the Devs to try to make High Elf fans happy by putting the void elf in the Alliance, they felt quit confident that the Alliance Community would accept anything they came up with when it came to High Elf looking, They based their decision we wanted them for Looks, I think/ feel they made a mistake and showed how out of touch they are actually with the Alliance Community. Even in Ion’s Interview he smugly states, If you want to play Fair skinned, blue eyed, Majestic elves, then play Horde this proves where their thinking was at the time.

There may be some High Elf fans that want High elves for their looks, I and many others don’t, I don’t speak for the community I speak of my opinion and those who I associate with on the matter, We want The High Elves For the Long Lasting Lore/Story/Game Interaction that High Elves and Alliance share through out the History Of World Of Warcraft, High Elves were In the Alliance At the beginning, High Elves Have Been In the Alliance during the 15 years World Of Warcraft has been around and they are still in the Alliance.

High Elves and the Alliance Built a stronghold in the Terokka Forest still manned to this day, in Outlands, High Elves manned a Keep and Trained Alliance Troops even built a Arcane Sanctum there in the Keep they helped man during battle while the Lich King plagued the world. High Elves and Alliance Both Died Together at Theramore as the Horde tried to exterminate them, To this day there are High Elves Living within Alliance Territories & live with Alliance citizens In Harmony, High elves to this day train Alliance mages and hold Portals open for the Alliance through out the realm, The day of denial is done, High Elves are Alliance quit the denial Complete the Lore, make The High Elves Already in the game that have always been but kept out reach of the Alliance Playable for Alliance. Admit your mistake we didn’t want them for their looks we wanted them for the Lore we share with them.

Thank you for taking the time to read all.