The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

:roll_eyes: Yawns :roll_eyes:

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Another Valarian post which is just flamebait and offers nothing.



Talk about bait. moving along’


See you tomorrow when you just bump. Ill talk to the real people in this thread

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Well continue on with the discussion folks, I mean I don’t know wither or not if High Elves would become playable or not but best of luck to you guys.

Throughout this Campaign/Debate about playable High Elves if there’s a lot of things I could have taken back after 3 years and even 4 months ago on May 28th is I should have never insulted or cause a big uproar of drama on the forums of harassing and mocking everyone within the WoW Community including the folks over at the legacy of the quel’dorei high elf discord as well. I made this post because there’s a lot of things I had reminded of the things I had done on the Forums of this year. If you guys want to see it here it is: I take it all back from May 28th

Well good luck on the campaign still. I may not give much still I’m not much of a talented artist or anything else but I still always support playable High Elves. Just no matter what kind. I still am playing wow through not really a lot since I have been playing other games. Anyways Peace.

The same could be applied with High Elves.

Same race =/= identical looks

Devs explained it in an interview I quoted a few times in the old megathreads. Basically, they simply wanted different looking Humans as an AR, and then created/exaggerated Kul Tirans’ lore to make it possible. Actually, Kul Tiras was supposed to be very similar to Theramore thematically speaking.

So slight lore modifications to a specific group of an already playable core race to make them separately playable is a possibility.

Me personally? I would settle for High Void Elves (turn High Elves into Void Elves). A few fair-skinned tones with void tattooes or scars, for example, would be desirable too for those who’d like to rp as a pure High Elf without stepping too much on Blood Elf aesthetics.


I mean, I understand your apology and it is nice to see.

But i dont understand, why the apology when it seems the norm for both sides to just do flame wars with each other in a battle over nothing? The culture of the argument changed and that is an issue.

I am glad someone is willing to say what they did was wrong.

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:heart::heart: Show that love for Quel’dorei :heart::heart:


it doesnt matter what blood elves call themselves now, they are high elves. the race is high elf

blood elves are THE high elves because thats what development/lore say, because they look identical, act identical and both feed on the sunwell

the SC are a tiny splinter faction of blood elves who dont even live in alliance territory. they arent an allied race. the thalassian elves are not an integral part of the identity of the alliance. how can they be when only a tiny number of them exist on the alliance faction?

except we have already seen and know what ‘high’ elves look like. they are identical to blood elves and cannot be made distinct from blood elves and thats straight from the game director. if the end result is a fair skinned MAJESTIC elf whose only difference is an adjective it is unacceptable because it encroaches on the race and theme, both of which are now part of the hordes theme

its over you lost the debate when development repeated our argument word for word. its time to move on


Because I be little you antis without speaking your mind. Same goes to the High Elf Fans throughout my emotional abuse and flaming.

That doesn’t mean my apology goes to not just the Pros. Its also everyone.

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We already saw what Kul Tirans looked like before BfA, they were all normal humans. Hell even with BfA out a lot of them still are normal humans. Doesn’t matter if they called themselves Kul Tirans, they’re still humans

The same could be done for High Elves, there’s not really a way for either side to win this argument


I like to think the heat of the argument has calmed down a lot more nowadays


Which is why I said that there’s nothing in the lore that says they look different and if anything, it tends emphasizes the fact that they look the same.

I’ve read what you said before about modifying them for playable reasons but that’s not modifying the lore to explain it, really.

It would defeat the purpose of making them look different in the first place, though.

As far as I’m aware, you already apologized once. No one should do an eternal “walk of shame”. I honestly never took it too hard, but if someone did, that’s on them, not on you, you already said sorry.


I know. Its just I can’t stop thinking about the Permanently ban on me. Its like as if I kept on having Dreams or Nightmares about the Past.

Let’s be honest though, there wasn’t a lot of lore for Kul Tirans to be massive giant sailor folk. They needed to look different to be playable, and Blizz delivered

Cultural differences and time spent away from Silvermoon could explain why High Elves generally look bulkier or different in general, Blizz would just need to briefly expanded upon it


With the High Elf Wayfarer’s coming into the Telogrus Rift and one even using the portal out of Stormwind is a good sign for the Alliance Quel’dorei. They are also using the Sin’dorei Dk model for them, which could a sign of them changing a bit but not all the way, who knows, just going by whats in the game thus far. For at least a good start for customization additions to Ren’dorei.

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But one liners with emojis are totally insightful!

Think about it this way. It’s people in the internet. None of them will ever truly have an actual, serious influence on your life and more importantly, you shouldn’t let any of this get to you too much. And also, consdering the things I’ve seen
 it might be for the best for you.


you don’t need to apologize anymore. All the helfers have seen it by now.

Well some of us do it better than others. :innocent:


All right. Thank you.

I probably might as well start doing things in life or also other things I had forgotten about like my Hobbies and etc.

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