I take it all back from May 28th

If there’s one thing I regret the most within the Forums on May 28th. It was insulting and bashing everyone within the WoW Community I knew of.

Such as the High Elf Fans/Folks over at the Legacy of the Quel’dorei.
San’layn Folks.
Horde Players.
Blood/Night/Nightborne/Void Elf Fan/Players.
Just Etc.

I wish I could take it all back. All of them. The Insulting, Mocking, Harassment, Not giving people a chance, Just everything.

Being permanently banned from Legacy of the Quel’dorei left me feeling very sad, alone, and just bit hurt. I understand what I did. Its just I wish I could take it all back. Everything I did on the Forums and even the few community discords I have been on. I just miss hanging out with the Legacy Folks, as well as continuing to give support in terms of playable High Elves.

Heck my Discord of Allerian Stronghold isn’t doing much since I rarely see folks I know now in days or they’re just too busy. I mean I only made it to atleast give everyone a chance even if they’re anti or pro. I don’t know. The Whole Campaign/Debate has ether drain me or just left me feeling completely tried due to all of the stress, emotional abuse of all kinds and etc.

I just wanted to hang out and talk to folks who has the same interest as me.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but none of it sounds important.


Something I did back in 4 months ago on may 28th where I completely regretted the most.

The karmic repercussions from this post are terrible, just so you know.

You are over-thinking things, most of us don’t even have that kind of attention span.


This is exactly what is the problem with the world though

Karmic repercussions?

This is a good lesson for you, OP. World of Warcraft needs more players who know what personal accountability and personal responsibility are.

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Yes, as in you reap what you sow.

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I find it impressive for someone on the Helf camp to feel sorry about many of the stuff you listed there, some who directly touch me and led me to be strongly against the Helf group in general.

Yet I don’t recall anything important on that day, and I don’t really know who you are.
Mind telling me what happened?

Oh I see.

Well Actions have Consequences and I did learned that the very hard way.

I learned my lesson the hard way and well look where I got me into. Just hard sad truth I can’t never talk/hang out with the folks I used to know again.

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Is OP just returning from a lengthy forum suspension? :thinking:

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Not to feed the flames here… (ok, who am I kidding), but are you saying you were hostile toward players who had “elven” characters? Like of all the myriad reasons to dislike players… that’s the hill you planted your flag on?

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I think OP got a suspension from the forums and kicked out from some high elf support group for the contents in that post it seems. He says he attacked every allied race group he knew of like the vulpera, setrak etc. Am I correct?

It must have been quite a toxic post if you managed to get kicked out of the high elf community and get a suspension though.

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Ok well. On that day. I cause alot quote on quote starting drama and issues on everyone within the Forums that day. It was where I was completely stressed and angry to a point where I was not even thinking straight.

Because of that. Not only was my post removed where I insulted everyone but I ended up getting banned from 2 allied race discords. Lucky I did got back into the San’layn Discord and I felt very bad what I did. As for the High Elf Discord however. I was permanently banned. I tried to contract one of the mods/folks I know but they said it was permanently and that I actually caused a rift between blizzard and them because of my actions.

To this very day. I regretted it completely and still haven’t forgotten the terrible things I did on here and everywhere else within the Community. Forgetting would be a thing I would never learn from.

I was under alot of stress and anger during that. I couldn’t think straight what I was typing. That landed me on a very hard lesson in life.

Impressive, now I want to read that old post of yours simply due to how toxic it would have been.

There’s a High Elf Discord? What the hell for? Do people just whine about how much they want High Elves in a game?

I’m confused as to how you insulted races in a game, ones that aren’t even playable. I also would like to view said posts. Link please :smiley:


Its no longer viewable since it was deleted during that day. However there are some old Posts about my old name Wallurian on here.

Wait, you’re Wallurian?, now I kinda see where it’s going.


I changed my name because Wallurian just doesn’t sound like a good name in terms of being a irish paladin knight.

I just like this Name Better.