The High Elf Conundrum

I saw some comments on high elf customization and it left me pondering, high elves are apart of the Alliance and someone on Blizzard Watch left this comment which I will put here.

Credit goes to MoveWoW at Blizzard Watch.

“I keep seeing people claiming void elves aren’t high elves. They are.
In fact, they are the ONLY playable high elves. Because the blue eyes are not what makes them high elves, their genetics don’t matter here, it is where their allegiance lies. A blood elf who has blue eyes is not a high elf and does not refer to themself as such. They followed Kael’thas, jumped into the Horde, and identify as a blood elf. They will never call themselves high elves.
That’s why Horde blue-eyed blood elves are not high elves.
The original void elves were blood elves, so they are not high elves. Like Umbric.
However, in Telogrus Rift, there are actual Alliance high elves inquiring about becoming void-infused blueberries. THOSE are the elves you’re playing when you pick fair-skinned (or dark-skinned), blue-eyed void elves.
That’s why Alliance void elves are the only true high elves. You’re literally playing a true high elf. Welcome to the playable Alliance, high elves.”


What your TRP3 says you are, that’s what you are to me. My imagination is pretty good by now!


There is no conundrum.


i like drums and conning them off elves


Weirdos and their elf fixation.


Oh boy another high elf thread. Well lets get started


A question, If Blood Elves are High Elves and Void Elves are Blood Elves doesn’t that mean that Void Elves are High Elves too?


Blood elves and void elves are both high elves.
There is no conundrum here


Blood Elves are the playable High Elf race and have been since their introduction. We’ve since seen their redemption / restoration of the Sunwell, control of the kingdom and capital, majority population, and there’s a reason why in our heritage quest we at one point literally play as a High Elf.

Blood Elves honor their fallen thats all. They aren’t Felblood Elves or Void Elves.




Both sides have been given tools (blue eyes, skintones, hair colors) to better rock the high elf fantasy.

In fact, in the case of void elves, that’s all they’ve been getting.


void elves are high elves, blood elves are blood elves


this troll gets it.

They’re technically all High Elves, just the Horde ones still call themselves Blood Elves cuz they actually care about their fallen friends and family.


Blizz: here you go, you all get options now

Helfers: no! we want an official statement that we are the only high elves and we want you to completely invalidate blood elves from existence. also give us silvermoon while you’re at it.

No wonder the Belf posters hate you’ll lol


Yup but we mostly laugh at how pathetic they are lol.

Silvermoon aint going nowhere and no matter how much they cry “high elves” will always be blood elves.


Anti: lets takes the most extreme request by people who want high elves so we can present them in the most unfavourable light as possible.

Nope, “elf elves” as it is more political rather then anything truly based on biology at this point. The difference between a high elf and a void elf and blood elves is the same as the difference between a Stormwind human and Kul Tiran human.


Am I the only that doesn’t like popcorn? Gets stuck to your teeth.

I can offer you a free beverage :coffee:

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Could say the same about night elves but all elves are different now. Evolution and magic made sure of that.

Blood/high elves are literally no different though other than politics. One chooses to remember and honor thier fallen, the other are traitors.

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