The harsh truth; the "Dracthyr" were a mistake for Warcraft

well since you dont appreciate your cool staff, awesome hair, and custom tailored gear, you could loan them to my helf. mwahaha…ha…ha. :nerd_face:

…what? is… is this a race joke?

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Yeah, we get it. We also get more people claim that than they actually are. So the joke is old and stale as how you abominations look.

There are more Dracthyr than there are kul tirans. I’m not calling for you to be removed


And worgen, you, or ChatGPT forgot worgen.

Dracthyr were just an UWU cash grab

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Only because of evoker class

definitely one of the takes of all time

According to CoPilot, which seems pretty reliable, Liquid doesn’t have a single Dracthyr on their team. They have an Evoker but it seemed to be a Night Elf.

Now maybe that’s not possible and CoPilot made a mistake but as I said, they seem pretty reliable.

least played race/class. i wouldnt say popular so much as new. class is fun but the race sux

Ultimately, I just the Dracthyr just missed the mark on feeling “Warcraft-ish”. If they weren’t going to be hulking beasts like Drakonids, then something spindly would’ve worked. But they lack a personality, which is incredibly unusual for WoW; they feel almost “un-stylized”, outside of their head and wings. Most of their body has surprisingly “human” proportions, which reads as… very odd.

Again, why go with a humanoid body if they weren’t going to wear armor? And honestly, why bother with that at all, when we could’ve have actual small-ish dragons?

Like I said, shrink the Dragonriding models down, and I think you would have an INCREDIBLE class fantasy. I would still fight for a melee/tank spec at some point in the future (just for the physicality of the dragon form), but it would’ve made such a perfect fit for Warcraft; actually bringing dragons into the fold of playable races.

Dracthyr were made-up on the spot, and just seem both wholly unnecessary, and kind of half-hearted. It doesn’t feel like Blizzard’s best effort for the fantasy they seemingly wanted to give us, and I would love to see them take another crack at it.


Not really. Bottom of the played list.

If you want other examples of dragon races done wrong. There have been other tries such as a game called Horizons: Empire of Istaria, and Sony had tested a game called Dragon Prophet.

Sneak up behind Discipleb hugs her then flys away chuckle.

The best dragon stories I ever read were from Anne McCaffrey, the “Dragon Riders of Pern” stories. They were all about dragons and riders fighting killer thread.


Think the main limitation is size, Dracthyr already push the limit of visual real estate. A drakonid scaled down to the size of even a Tauren would still look silly and be absent of wings which I think were important to want to include, and the drake models are just right out.

Also, do you have any idea who reluctant Blizz is to make new models and animation rigs? I’m sure they would have loved to just use any existing dragon adjacent model and call it a day. It took a lot more effort to make Dracthyr.

I loved her books especially ’ the white dragon ’


I agree, that was a great book. It is shown as 3rd in the series behind Dragon Flight and Dragon Quest but when I started reading it the first time I was confused by the new characters. Then I realized that it makes more sense to go

  1. Dragon Flight
  2. Dragon Quest
  3. Dragon Song
  4. Dragon Singer
  5. And Dragon Drums until the White Dragon shows up.

Then read White Dragon, then go back and finish Dragon Drums.

But they are all great books.

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Had the same experience. Rereading those in the sequential story timeline helps allot.

Was always bummed out that the tv series didn’t get done, would have loved to see a live-action version of those books.

Lol yes it would been confusing since it took place later in story .

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