No it was before the void when machine started breaking down the void only made it worse.
Eh, just dont like that they’re pretty much sexless while in humanoid dragon mode. All the scalie dragon art Ive commisoned over the years have long flowing hair and look like knockouts while still looking like dragons.
Still might make my warrior one because its basicslly like having a human female model on Horde side.
Pandaren are Vulpera are the only furry races they perfected outright. Best in MMO class at that.
Add me to that pile and it has nothing to do with horny.
Sorry, they should have kept the trend of the other beast races instead of listening to the whims of a few developers.
The fact that they didn’t have things like breasts was actually a draw for me. I have always hated mammalian traits on reptilian species. One of the reasons why non Morrowind (the game, not the area) Argonians irk me so much. I much prefer things like the Iskar (EQ2), or the Sslik (from Horizons/istaria).
im not reading all that but dracthyr are ugly and stupid, similar to vulpera and worgen.
There was a MMO years and years ago that would let you play as a dragon, but it was hard to level it, in in a SWG rare Jedi sort of way.
Don’t remember the name of the MMO, but what you described was basically what it had for their dragon class.
No, Natagosa! You’re Natamistake!
(Also, I’m out of likes…)
I always felt that the Vulpera and Worgen were done well, they actually look/act like their race.
The Dracthyr on the other hand, they don’t seem very “dragonny” to me. /shrug
The lizard people give me the ick.
The vast majority of the people I know who actively hate them do so because they can’t live out their toxic masculinity dream of a hulking dragon ripping and tearing things to shreds and instead have to settle for a “girly boy body”.
i personally can’t stand them but i’ll give you that, vulpera and worgen do feel more “right”. nothing about dracthyr looks or feels right to me.
living out fantasies? in a fantasy game? very toxic, someone should do something about this.
Yeh, it is an old MMO. Came in before WoW made the MMO genre more accessible. I wouldn’t say it was too hard though. Lots of grinding mobs and generally with a group. Took a bit of patience.
Love their laircrafting system though.
Anyway, if it is the one you are thinking of, it is called Istaria. It used to be called Horizons. You can play a dragon and it has access to the one adventure class (the non dragon classes can multiclass), and multiple crafting classes unique to them. It is an old game. Came out before WoW. Heh, I still have my sub to it and the devs still add to it.
Yeah that’s fine, everybody has their own tastes.
Think you nailed it, the other two seem like they were done right, where the Dracthyr seem rushed for lack of a better word.
Yep that’s the one!
Well neither would I, just that it was partially timegated by effort to get it leveled vs other classes, in a grindy sort of way (if I’m remembering correctly). It took time for it to grow, and it was weak in battle at an early age, etc.
Are these people in the room with us right now
Naw, it was the same as any other class. Dragons just only had access to one class. You just started at level 1 and went. Your growth was behind different quests, so you started off as a hatching and progressed though adult and ancient via quests you unlocked at different levels, and you had to do quests (class quests, not the growth quests) to get a lot of your abilities, but that was the extent of it. Er, though I think the ancient form had a time of like 90 days before you could start it, adult did not.
Heh, I knew a player who got to max level as a hatchling just because he didn’t want to “grow up” and he was pretty much fine power wise. Heck, one of my friends decided to stay at adult because he didn’t like the look of the ancient models. The different forms add a smattering of new abilities, but you could get all the basics of the class and never go past a baby. You could get your quest to adult super fast if you were willing to buckle down and kill things for the 30 levels it took for the quest to open up.
Putting prejudices aside for a moment (I support the LGBTQ community in their efforts for equality), the issue I have with Dracthyr is that they’re more like Sleestaks (lizard men) than Dragons, just humans with scales basically. The design on them seems rushed/off and not accurate to their description.
lol! Nice.
Would you have considered them a ‘success’, a good race/class?
I never got to play one to max level personally.
im sorry but youll have to go to monosodium glutamate to get your fix instead