The harsh truth; the "Dracthyr" were a mistake for Warcraft

I really get the impression that some people have a problem with this game…

When Blizzard makes an effort to release allied races with minimal work: you’re not happy.
When Blizzard releases allied races that are barely developed: you’re not happy.
When Blizzard releases a new class: you’re not happy.

At some point, you need to question yourself. If your only enjoyment is playing strong, muscular characters with big axes, but you reject any addition that doesn’t align with your preferences, I think there’s an issue IRL.

The Dracthyr are a very interesting addition, even if they were introduced somewhat poorly, whether it’s due to the lack of lore or the absence of transmog options. The Evoker is also an interesting addition that brings a new perspective to the game. Yes, sometimes it feels a bit much and hard to optimize, but like everything else, sometimes it’s great and sometimes it’s not.

I really think people need to stop being so negative and resistant to new races or classes just because they don’t meet their standards. The Dracthyr and the Evoker are far from problematic, especially given how much work has gone into them, compared to the Void Elf or Earthen, which are just existing races with a skin change.


You saying that as a Kul Tiran is very funny.

Eeeeyup. The big-lug model should have been a customization option for humans, not completely separate.

I personally love mine. I have no issue switching between forms during combat - the transition is seamless. Love my lil representative of the red dragonflight <3

The only mistake is not letting Dracthyr being shamans :frowning:


Good thing you don’t have to play them.


Y’all still brain hemorrhaging over not getting another playable misshapen fridge here?


Yeah, I can’t stand how I cannot remove the scales on the head of the human form.

Like Dagoth Ur, I can handle the god damn lizards, but I could not force myself to play as a “drag queen” as Nixxiom put it. Indeed, I would have liked to see other races just turn into that dragon, like actual Blood Elves or Undead. (Undead would be so cool. same with Blood Elves. anything but what we currently have.)

This is the only class I have ever deleted for good.

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True, but they inhabit the world of Warcraft now. That means you do have to interact with them as part of the world, and I feel like they are a net-negative on the game as a whole.

They could still be salvaged, but it seems like Blizzard is just trying to move on, despite them being very clearly still incomplete. Effectively one “gender”, and forced into specific race-genders for their Visage for literally no reason. And as others said, even that is strangely limited, as you cannot hide the scales from your face entirely.

I’ve said before that WoW has struggled from a clear lack of cohesive vision for the game, and that has never been more evident than the Dracthyr, who feel like a hodge-podge of neat ideas, but a failure to really commit to them.

If they were essentially going for the equivalent of D&D Kobolds (which are typically reptilian and sometimes draconic), hey that’s a cool idea; but give them armor, and a body that’s as stylized as everything else in Warcraft is. They don’t have to be Drakkonids, but they should have a distinctive silhouette, as WoW and Blizzard alike are known for.

For that matter, they could’ve said “hey we’re leaning into the d&d kobold thing, Evokers will have wings, other classes will not”, that could’ve been a fun distinction as well. But again, it kind of lends the impression that they weren’t terribly well thought-out, because it doesn’t seem like any of this was ever really fleshed-out.

I still hold that making them literal Dragon Sorcerers would’ve been the most natural fit for the game, and the fiction as a whole. The “Dracthyr” feel like some weird little OC that was somehow added as a canon race, and it just doesn’t mesh nicely with Warcraft as a whole.

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The harsh truth, they are made for rainbow people

Sucks to be you then, bud. Maybe make your own game so you can have only the things you like in it.

They are going to need to change the racials for other classes. Having said that, I’ll take dracthyr over earthen. I’m racist against earthen. There. I said it. We need Garrosh back to kick them out of the Horde.

lizzard ppl bein all lizardy

Cool. Raids full of half sized dragons taking up the entire room.

No i think dracthyr are great as they are

Again, you would obviously scale them to an appropriate size. Nobody has issues with Druid forms in raids.

Thats because bear or cat form druids arnt dragons. Blizzard would need to scalr them down to that size and then at that point is unappealing and ontop of that there models are still large.

Drac where the right choice

Eh, I would disagree. I think people would still be super happy with a dragon, even scaled to be on the smaller side.

Hell, you could save even more real estate by using something like the Winding Slitherdrake model.

In any case, even if we stick by the “humanoid” appearance, there’s absolutely zero reason they shouldn’t be able to wear armor.

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I didn’t know an opinion could be wrong.

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Most expansion “features” were mistakes in the long run.

Speak for yourself, not others. I’d hate that. My lizard experiment is fine. Stop crapping on them all the time. Get over it.


Jesus, that was a ton of word salad. You could’ve gotten your point across just as effectively by saying “I have no life and take this game WAY too seriously”