The Harronir are ugly!

Just saying, the ladies, not quite that ugly subjectively. Almost has a Sylvar appeal.

Yessssssss! I’d go Sylvar from Night Elf in an attosecond. Not sure how the wife would feel about it though.


Ahh I see. A fellow man of culture and sophistication.


No they don’t? lol

Everything we see about them, they have a nice magical and naturey society, in the middle of the Nerubian zone which is otherwise dank and voidy. Which seems to indicate a more peaceful hub in the middle of that zone.

Not to mention that there are friendly NPCs and we can see racial leaders interacting with them in thier zone area.

Compared to say Drust and Satyrs that all have dark and meanacing area vibes, and no racial leaders talking to them.

Compared again to Djaradin. Who were like Troll/Giant mixes, because Dragons vs Giants is a Fantasy Staple. Granted I’m mad they were a throw away vilian, because Dragon eating and hunting enemies seemed better for a main enemy in an expansion about helping Dragons.

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hmm says the demon hunter hahahah you guys are the abomination XD

That subject line takes a lot of gall when youre speaking as, and to, wow players.

If you’re talking about the male Nightborne, sure, but you need your eyes checked if you think the female Harronir looks better than the female Nightborne.

The Harronir are trolls but made palatable for Alliance sensibilities.

On an unrelated note, please support people who wants to play as them.


I agree, would much rather have Tuskarr, who are well established stretching back over a decade than some random new race.

They wouldnt even be the ugliest horde race.

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The Tuskarr are well renowned for their objective beauty.


I mean, they’re a hell of a lot better looking than Earthen are. So there’s that.


Not really. They have faces that are like the female Darkspear trolls now, post WoD update.

We also don’t know yet for sure if they are Trolls. The bat ears and the Cave eyes. Leads me to believe Goblinoid like a Bugbear.

Not all things with baby tusks are trolls, :stuck_out_tongue:

The Zandalari Trolls use the Night Elf Frames, and I believe Darkspear use them too, but it’s not as easy to tell with the Darkspear.

The Jinyu and Ankoan, although not playable also use that the same skeleton. It’s honestly thier favorite to use.

Granted, aside from thier stomach being pushed out so much, the Fem Harronir aren’t as bad as people keep saying. You can see it in thier backs, that they have it arched like Fem Draenei.

They also seem to have the mass of a Night Elf in thier arms/legs, but instead of toned muscle, it’s just stocky.

Granted objectively it’s probably one of the few races where the men are the obvious hot ones for thier species, lol.


I mean, I am no (Earthen Supporter) by any means, but that fugly race over the Earthen?


Not a fan of dwarves, idk what else to tell you :dracthyr_shrug:

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You could say it’s a…hairy opinion?

I’m not either, so I’m right there with ya in that regard.


I call them Trolves, short for Troll-Elves.

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We need something that describes those ears… cause… those ears…

“Can you Hear Me Now?”

I dont know… I’m pretty good looking…

peers at self in broken shard of mirror

shard of mirror cracks