The Harronir are ugly!

. . . what are y’all talkin about, they look cool as heck! I hope they ARE made an allied race down the line!

I must be having a Mandela effect because I could’ve sworn the ears were mostly Troll/Elf in design, but then I see it again and I’m like “Light, what happened to you?”

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Some are quite elfy (is that a word), but others… oi

Give us Ogres already!

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As I said in another thread, they really just don’t fit the Warcraft Aesthetic.

They look like they’d be more at home in Ashes of Creation or maybe Tarisland.

i actually really want these lol

New Allied Race?! - War Within Alpha (

You’re a belf, you don’t get to talk.


The women at least seem more close to trolls to me, except those claw feet. The men, they need some help of something. Don’t even know what to make of that.

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I like 'em. Maybe I’m a freak, but I like 'em.

That’s how you know they’re based on night elves. :pensive:


reminds me of this…

Which came from Dark Trolls, so I have to ask how they got from Trolls to that? Because it’s quite the stretch in transition.

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We uh…we don’t talk about THIS… slowly brushes the derpnei under the rug

How come no one wants to play the Djardin?

I remember the first time we laid eyes on them. That very early quest where you use a telescope and see two of them squaring off. Headbutting each other on an island surrounded by lava while others gathered around and cheered.

It was then I knew that I was on the wrong side of this war.

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literal who youtuber

Because Zelda already has playable Gerudo XD.

The what now? I don’t get it…


Yes, but they’re violent and stupid. Also shouting seems to be their conversational tone.

We have so much to learn from them.


Because we have taste.

still no undead equivalent to an allied race :frowning:

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Earthen are so lame.

I will say this though - seeing a bunch of Earthen and Harronir hanging out in Orgrimmar definitely dilutes the faction fantasy.