The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

I think RDF is needed to a point, or another solution that could accomplish this without needing xrealm at minimum.

I would like them to try to scale dungeons so they are more inclusives to different levels either by making them all be full xp even with a 10 levels of difference or by scaling them all even with max level players in mind.

I don’t think we absolutely need to xrealm. But I think it would be nice to be able to help people even at max level, scaled so you’re not just “boosting” them.

When you never have to see the other people in the group again because they’re not from your server, folks have a tendency to be jackwads.

See the Greater Internet F-wad Theory. Google “green blackboards and other anomalies”, it’s a penny arcade comic.

ok, run away, adios. you clearly arent doing anything other than the heroic daily to have a well formed opinion or even know what is actually going on.

So are they refusing to change the roles? Or are they changing the roles to confuse people?

That people dont read nor care about so its a waste of time if you still get whispers saying “H+? GS?”

Yeah, being toxic really helps things and just makes me not want to interact with this elitist group and makes me want RDF even more. Good job!

Yes, I’ve said as much so there is no reason for RDF to be left out of the game. It should have been in with Ulduar.

This is a complete fabrication or highly projective. Some servers are so big that you wont see other people multiple times anyways. So what is stopping people from doing it now? Its almost like they just want to do the content and move on. Even doing dailies I dont see the same people twice.

What people have to realize is that group forming is not content, a friends list full of people that you ran dungeons with before are not actually friends, and guilds are just there to get into raids at set times. Sure you can pull from that guild to maybe form dungeon groups, but thats no guarantee either. They might be locked to the dungeon or they might just not want to do dungeons at the moment.

The RDF was just a QoL thing for irrelevant content in order for alts or new people to catch up with the rest of the group in a reasonable timeframe through badge farming. You would also get better geared players in there as well through the heroic daily that would inspire others to want to get that gear which would lead them into raids increasing the raiding population.

Right now, none of that exists. Its just a time waste, on top of a player made issue through GS requirements and a Blizzard made issue of forcing H+ dungeons. If you are late to the party you are largely screwed which drives people away and you are stuck with the kind of environment and people you see right now.

They can also make the RDF prioritize people on your server, they did it in cata and then will pull from other servers in your battlegroup to fill the group if this whole “playing with people from other servers” is that much of an issues (it isnt).


Wth you talking about run Away? Stick with your trash retail.

Keep ruining Wrath.

You brain damaged or something?

Like I said, keep ruining Wrath, your attitude and how you think the game should be changed from the original is exactly why Wrath is in the state its in.

Yah you brain damaged. Pretty sure you didnt read nothing and just making assumptions. What did i say on how the game “should be”?

This entire thread. And again with the toxicity, keep ruining WoW.

You cant answer the question. I never once said the game “should be” anything. If your refering to Rdf im stated numerous times we should have it. Otherwise your just commenting for nothing.

No, you have said this entire thread to “make friends” “join a guild” or “make your own group”. If you were for RDF you wouldnt be in here arguing against it.

You obv cant read or chose not to. The argument with him was him saying i was lying about playing with people and actually making friends. It was a sidetrack of the original statement. Maybe if you took the time to actually read something before commenting you wouldnt be making yourself look stupid like you are right now. Im for rfd. I merely pointed out that i dont have trouble currently finding dungeon grps and was called a liar.

Learn to read or move along

I agree, i think you are lying as well with your attitude on here and your blatant opposition to RDF even if you say you are for it.

Yup, ill stick with my original thought. Brain damage.

Ill stick to my statement you are ruining WoW as a whole. People like you should be permabanned from everything Blizzard related. You have done nothing but insult sooo I highly doubt you have any friends.

Lol. So in your mind, me saying rdf would be great but i dont have issues finding grps atm means im against rdf? That doesnt even make any sense.

Sorry but you have nothing to back this up and anything you could possibly look at for numbers shows that the vast majority did actually want it. Birmingham didnt.

Seems to me the ones that voiced against it at first now want it for ease with alts and because of low server pops etc. It honesty should have been in since the start.