The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

You have no proof of that, either.

The forums and reddit aren’t exactly the best representation of the community. MOST players just play, and don’t jerk around with those websites.

Hence why I said the only data available to be looked at, which includes both that you listed, wowhead, mmochamp, twitch, youtube, etc.

Obviously you will discredit numbers when the numbers dont back the anti rdf narrative. However any inquiry for opinions shows that the pro rdf camp is larger than the anti rdf camp.

Where did I say I’m anti rdf?

And the problem with those sites, as has always been, that you don’t need to play the game to show an opinion. If you don’t play, imo your opinion doesn’t count.

Like I’ve said before, I’m not against it, but it did damage the community, grossly, just as if not worse than CRZ did.

Removing server lines ruins community.


Dont really know how anyone can believe this garbage take lol.

Weve had 4 years of no RDF and the community just is not there. It cant damage what doesnt exist.

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Dunno about you but my server has groups going all the time. For all sorts of content. Everything from leveling dungeons to regular heroics to H+. Unless it’s Oculus, then you’ll get some flak lol.

Community is here on my server that I’ve seen. But who knows.

RDF damages personal accountability. Like I said before, Greater Internet F wad Theory.

Normal person + Anonymity + audience = total jerkwad.

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Again, personal accountability and community is non existent in the current game. Its like you’re stuck in a vanilla wow mindset and is too blind to see the truth.

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What truth? I only see what my server puts out.

We have community. If you’re enough of a jerk, people aren’t taking you anywhere.

But I’m done arguing with you, my group’s starting.

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Apparently to some community doesnt exist therefore it it couldnt possibly exist to the others. Just in this thread alone, im apparently a liar for basicly saying mine does.


Some people have expressed the view that most of their rdf experiences were negative due to people being jackwads while I almost never had a problem in rdf groups. The only explanation I can come up with for that discrepancy is that I always joined the rdf queue with one or more friends. Before I joined the queue I always asked in guild and on my friend list if anyone wanted to do dungeon x. Almost always one or more would join the group and we’d use rdf to fill the empty slots. If fact it was easier to get friends to switch to a low level alt and join the group after rdf was added because changing characters wouldn’t be a waste since you were guaranteed to eventually get a group. Since I and my friends weren’t jackwads there were enough of us in the group to stop most jackwad behavior.

What I find most interesting is those crying the most about the community are the ones who had overwhelmingly bad experiences in rdf because they didn’t have friends to join the rdf queue with them.

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Because that statement is 100% true.

It actually is. You dont seem like you even play Classic tbh. You dont know something if you have never experienced it.

No I remember II play Illidan server and there was a huge call on the community to ban anyone from Illidan to be able to do anything RDF because we are supposedly rude elitists which is not true in the slightest. Its not my fault other people from other serves suck. Just pick up the pace and dont be bad. I really do hate playing with people from other servers. No need for it. It just encourages people to be lazy because all they have to do is hit a bottom and wait for a few minutes and then get into a group without any chat searching at all.

I remember how often someone in the group initiated a vote kick. As long as the group was moving along at a decent pace and we weren’t wiping I and my friends always voted no and the vote kick failed. Once after the kick failed the person who initiated it asked “Why did you vote no? He has the lowest dps.” Well you see I’m not constantly looking at recount to see who has the lowest dps. If the group isn’t wiping and we’re moving forward and downing bosses I don’t care about what recount reports. You sound like the rude elitists who I saw initiating vote kicks or constantly complaining and telling other people how to play their class. People like you are the reason you shouldn’t join the rdf queue alone.

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Always has been.

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Okay. So you just wanna be dumb and lazy.

Why is it that every single one of you anti-RDF people are some of the rudest people on the planet?


Why is it every single one of you pro RDF people are the most thin skinned lazy people on the planet?

Cuz after a 11 hour work day I just wanna grab some tequila and maybe que dungeons without being social because I’m tired and don’t want to put in effort to do dungeons.

And that’s ok.

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So its everyone elses fault because you cant act right?

whos acting lol.
Sorry snowflake, this is the classic era of wow. Either accept it or quit

The very FOUNDATIONS of classic was to not have the systems that led to retail

Are we playing two different games?

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