The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

That is mostly new “news” as that seem to be 1 year old.
Which goes against a lot of what he has done, or said before.

I’m not saying a man can’t change, but that isn’t the man he presented before.

He even goes the same way I go about it by saying that belief (in God) force you to have moral values. So I’m not that far.

It’s just kinda funny at this point because he really goes in the video you linked the same way I did. He even defends the idea of community. He even quote Nietzche as an opposition.

It does not. Peterson has mostly tried to weasel out of a direct confession of faith. As an atheist that’s something I look for. I could produce many links that I’ve watched in full to support that contention. He mostly promoted the usefulness of religion in society but rarely let himself be pinned down to his personal belief in god. But since 2018 when he debated the question of god with Harris 4 times for at least 2 hours each debate he stated his belief in god and the importance of religion.

I, as a liberal atheist who does not like or agree with most of what peterson says, think it’s likely that you know little about Peterson and are just following the bandwagon of hate for him. I just surprised you didn’t spend as much time attacking Harris since he also has gotten a lot of hate from people who rarely if ever watch his videos or read his books and just want to jump on the band wagon of hate over what ever smidgen of a quote from him sparks an outrage on twitter.

I don’t have time to hate watch people, he did some pretty bad videos (and posts). If you wanted a simple answer. There’s a reason why he’s controversial. I don’t have time for that. I’m seriously glad he grew up and embraced values. But no I’m not gonna start watching him or reading him because of that.

That’s fine. There’s only so much time in the day. Two years ago I’d have the same opinion you expressed here. My opinion of him changed after I watched him debate Sam Harris. I watched more to see what Harris said, because I like him, and partially to see how the famous Peterson did against someone who I respect so much. Just as I watched Dinesh D’souza who I hate, only because I watched Harris debate him. The difference is two years ago I, like you, didn’t know enough about Peterson to rant against him. Two years ago I wouldn’t have even talked about someone I knew so little about. Even though what I had seen made me dislike him a lot. While you picked up the slight mention of his name to hate on him when you clearly know almost nothing about him. That’s a fair judgement that you should take to heart and change your behavior.

What the hell are y’all talking about?

I don’t really know.
But it’s better anyway than a RDF talk.

Just a little side discussion on Jordan Peterson. You didn’t miss anything important.

I’m going back to bed I’m far too stupid for this.

It’s a bit more than a slight mention, I wouldn’t minimize his terrible statements he did pre 2020. My time isn’t worth giving him a 2nd chance unless he ask for it. At the end, you have to balance yourself and how you use your time. I even think I generally use the wow forums a bit too much recently. When anyway they go in circles.

There’s rarely any discussion of any value here. The only purpose is to keep certain issues on the front page so that blizzard is aware that some issue is of deep concern to players for a long time. That it’s not a trivial concern that disappears with almost no discussion. So I’d like to say I appreciate your help in keeping the rdf issue constantly in play on this forum.

The thing is they know that RDF is an issue. They even know that most people would be for it.

I just dislike the rhetoric that it was done because “evil elitist” wants to gatekeep you. It was done in the idea to preserve the community. There’s many people that agree that that RDF is one of the symptoms of the lack of community in wow nowadays. Because sometime the need of the individual goes against the need of the community. For the community to grow you need to struggle just enough to have to engage with other people actively or keep suffering. And having a community and even a pause like not being able to dungeons at some time can be beneficial to not burn out players as much.

I simply find that line of reason unconvincing. It’s bad logic. I think it’s possible that Birmingham did it because he and his guild and friends are all hard core pvp-ers. He did it to keep people moving through the world to get to dungeons and to gank flight points. That’s something he couldn’t say if it was his reason. But it’s more likely that something about rdf requires some dev time to get it to work in the gameand they just didn’t allocate the resources to spend that dev time. I don’t know what the real reason the devs had but it’s a fact that some of the devs wanted it in the game and BB over ruled them and I think the for the community excuse is total bullsht.

I doubt RDF would take that much time if they can get a queue for bgs working and even did same-faction bgs.

This is clearly arbitrary.

You can find many people talking about the benefits of communities on the internet I’m sure if you understand at least that part you can understand why someone would use strong ways to keep it intact.

I think pvp of course can be part of the way you interact with your community. And I think something that can be really fun. But they have also not managed to keep many pvp servers balanced. And mega servers are absurdities if we talk about communities. Layering just split people up. The concept of “struggle” to find people and so having to form a community is heavily diminished by the raw numbers of people.

Just for example. The biggest retail server has around 500 groups that have cleared the heroic raid this season so far. The biggest classic server has around 875 25m runs* weekly.

I realize that there is a fringe group that are insanely attached to the trivial social interactions that comes from finding and forming a group. I live in a small rural town of 700 people. Many people in small towns wave at every car they drive past. I even discussed this with a friend and he said, “Well, if you don’t do it people will think you’re unfriendly”. We had a little laugh about that. I imagine some people even get a thrill when the Walmart greeter tells them, “Welcome to Walmarts.” I can only atribute that to people who don’t have a clue what a real social interaction is or what true community is or what real immersion in a fantasy game is. I don’t value it because I have real interactions with people that go way beyond saying “Good Group” at the end of a dungeon. And I’ve often truly immersed myself in this fantasy game way beyond whether I get transported to a dungeon or have to fly there.

And you matter why ? All I hear is another neck beard crying that they don’t have skill and keep getting denied for parties

That doesn’t go against what I’m saying.
You’re just going back in your shell, going back in circle again.

You’re again just trivializing by thinking every of your interaction will be like the guy that greets you at Walmart. The fact you think it’s laughable to be nice with people might be more a proof of what you lack. The social construct is important in a human life as we’re social creature. And mmos were made to be social games first. Why would you make a world and have so many people in it if you aren’t gonna interact with them?

Why is it so hard to think that joining a guild is about the same concept as trying to find and know people to do other content? For me that’s just trying to say that other contents aren’t worth the social interactions. They are, but you need to be willing to.

That had nothing to do with HM. It had to do with the majority of people not wanting it to come into the game. The vast majority of people DID NOT WANT RDF. It is the vocal minority now who keeps spamming this stuff back to back.

There is no RDF system set up for Mythics and yet so many of you claim to be running Mythics in retail? Yea something is not adding up here.

I don’t think it’s laughable to use courtesy when interacting with people. In fact I use it more than most both in my life and more than most do in dungeons. I never use abbreviations in dungeons like GG and always type full sentences. When the dungeon ends I’ll often find something to say, like “good sheeping, mage, you saved my life a few times when my heals drew some aggro” or at least, “Thanks for the run everybody. Really good group”

“Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untravelled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as “empty,” “meaningless,” or “dishonest,” and scorn to use them. No matter how “pure” their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best.”

― Robert Heinlein

I just know the difference between courtesy and real social interactions. I once saw a person who was named Solanaceae. That’s botanical scientific terminology that it was unlikely anyone who wasn’t an herbalist or botanist would know. I’m a botanist and I struck up a 30 minute conversation with them. If I noticed it in the middle of a dungeon run the group would certainly not taken a 30 minute break for us to discuss botany. Dungeons are not a place where real social interactions occur. I have extended my social interactions to players not in my guild more than most and definitely far more than just saying, “invite please” and “GG” at the end of a dungeon. That’s why I don’t think adding rdf removes any real social interaction from the game. Just as I have immersed myself in this game far more than those who claim a teleport disrupts their immersion in the game. They’re just clueless about what it truly means to immerse yourself into a fantasy game. It’s not just an MMO it’s also an RPG.

I think like I said that struggle is a huge part in wanting to be part of a community. Else it’s easy to stay a tourist and I think that the game should encourage the creation of communities. Now there are positives and negatives encouragements. Not having RDF and having some struggle are negatives ones. Having guild bonus and focused guild content are positive ones. Same goes for server wide content like killing enemy leaders for achievements and mounts.

I have recruited a lot of people in dungeons for my guilds, I have met a lot of people in them. And the smaller community the more social interaction opportunities you get with the same people. When you push really high in pvp or M+ or raiding most people know each others to a certain point because it’s a small group. Same goes for smaller servers.

Here is where you mouth the words but don’t understand the effects. I prefer smaller servers. From the beginning of old game vanilla until now I’ve always played on small rp servers. The biggest reason we have mega servers now and small servers have become almost dead is the lack of rdf. I know 4 large guilds that left Bloodsail during BC only because it was too hard to find to find dungeon groups. In an expansion where running dungeons was extremely important for progression. You claim you want community but you hold onto trivial courtesies while rdf would keep many of the small servers alive. The places where actual social interactions most often occur.