The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Because if i said me and friends actually set up times to get together and lvl together, which we do, you would claim that is a lie. Theres no point in giving you any arguement because your obv locked into thinking everyone has the same crappy experience you apparently have. Judging by how toxic you come off, im not surprised you dont have people to level with.


Great post OP. You’re right about everything.

Don’t worry, as rapidly as the HC fads popularity is diminishing it will be DOA when they get a realm, you won’t have to worry about them.

Just keep on truckin’

Of course you do. Everyone has a friend list full of tanks and healers. In fact every tank and healer they do a run with they consider their friend. I’m sure that if you played horde my healers would be on your friend list. Considering all the whispers I got from strangers begging me to heal if you played horde it’s likely you were one of them

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You realize H+ won’t be in rdf right… Just like M+ isn’t.

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I’d consider it possible that some people can do that for maybe one alt. But that’s not what you claimed above. If that’s what you said instead of the lies you posted above I’d have said that finding 4 other people, including a tank and healer, to plan times to level together from level 1 to cap can be done but it’s hard to form and to keep up for that long a time so it’s not really workable for the vast majority of players.

I think you’re just as toxic. That’s why I treat you the way I do.

It’s a serious problem for most people. That’s why you see so many players raid logging, not leveling alts, and asking for rdf. When wrath was live almost everyone I knew had a pile of alts, many an alt of every class by the time cata was released. It was all because of rdf.


Again weve gone full circle. Back to it a player side problem. Talking in circles.

Your doing nothing but claiming anything that isnt your personal experience is a lie. Id say the toxicity is defd on your end.


Harden up, lazyboy

You guys are acting like a stable of unused Alts is a necessity.

It’s not.

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I’ve also explained why I think your claims don’t fit reality. With clear rational arguments. You haven’t come up with a single rational counter argument for those explanations.

If most players have the same problem it’s not a player caused problem. It’s a design flaw.

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I’ve told them basically the same thing about being social, making friends, etc and how i dont have trouble getting people for grouped content.

They called me a lair as well.

If its not their personal experience, the other person must be a lair. Thats how close minded they are.

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Yeah. Lazy people that refuse to utilize their brain. Completely blinded by the idea that RDF is a requirement and there is no other options to doing the content. Kinda sad.

What counters do you want? ive told you a couple diff ones. I utilize the friends list. I play with people in my guild. I actually hit enter on my keyboard and type messages and talk with people. I have totally diff alts that i only lvl when certain friends are on to lvl with them. Your so called arguements is nothing but “no, i havnt done that so you are lying”

Of course it’s not a necessity. It’s just something that’s fun for most people. It’s not necessary to play the game. If you play it’s not necessary to raid or do dungeons. Having a profession isn’t necessary. It’s not even necessary to level any character to cap. It’s not necessary to wear armor. It’s not even necessary to quest. I met someone who tried to level up just with herbalism. I don’t know how far he got but on rp servers you often find people trying out strange ideas for rp reasons. I don’t care what’s necessary and neither do you. I just care about what’s fun.

Back in vanilla I made an undead priest. She woke up in a crypt and went insane. I ran her to the zep to org than ran her to the tauren start area. That’s where I began to level up. All the way I rp-ed this insane girl yelling things like, “I’m a monster,” “I’m in a nightmare and I can’t wake up” etc. That certainly wasn’t necessary but it was a lot of fun for me and for many people who came up to talk to the girl who went insane when she woke up undead in a crypt. Rdf makes the game a lot more fun for most people. Since most of us play for fun, not because it’s necessary, that’s what the game is all about.



I think I’ve said much more than that. So either you weren’t paying attention to my arguments, didn’t comprehend them, or you’re lying.

Again, still talking in circles. Your still saying “my experience was like this, therefore yours cant possibly be any different so you are lying”. Its an idiotic stand point.

I think my arguments are strong enough to falsify your claims. Others can form their own opinion.

If only this was true.

Again, I have made rational reasonable arguments to support my claims. You offered no rational counter arguments. While you may consider it insulting that I doubt your claims I have never just insulted you without a reasonable argument. But you just insult because you have no reasonable counter argument to support you claim. Whether someone believes my arguments or not don’t you think those here who are rational thinkers see the difference?

It’s not an argument to claim that your experience is the only experience people can have. Yes many people won’t talk in dungeon, yes not many people believe in the concept of creating a community with the people they play. They’d rather just login and get out. But that will always make it harder for you to play the game. Guilds are made because you found people to play with. You just need to apply the same concept to outside of raiding. If you play only for raiding with a bunch of raid loggers of course you won’t have anyone to play with outside of raiding.

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