The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Yup, people lie all the time on the internet and if you haven’t learned that yet you’re pretty naive. We all have to take whatever someone posts with a grain of salt. Unlike most people I’m quite open about the judgements I make based on my experience with the game.


As am i. Difference is people like yourself assume cause someone elses experience is diff, then its a lie.

It’s more than that. Unless you’re the tank I don’t believe that you consistently get tanks who will stop pulling and pause so you can chat with the party. Or that you consistently get other players that won’t urge the group to focus and get the run done. It’s not just your claim to be social that I doubt but that you consistently find groups that will play along. Your claim relies on the idea that you consistently find others in random pugs willing to take numerous pauses in a dungeon run to join your chatter. I don’t believe it’s possible for anyone to be that charming or charismatic


When did i say consistently? But if you actually make friends with people, quess what? you play with those same people again. You have this amazing thing called a friend list. Lemme explain how that works for you just in case your unaware. You add a persons name to it so you play with them more in the future. Here, ill even further the example for you. Once they are on said list, you can message that person asking if they want to run some more dungeons. Now imagine if you had multiple people on that list. wow. magic.

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Almost everyone has a long friend list. And I can’t remember that last time I saw someone in a pug that wasn’t in a guild. Yet here we all are in a pug with 4 random people. It’s another lie that a friend list and a guild is all you need to find a group for all your alts. While it’s all you need for your main during the leveling rush the friend list and guild fails when you start leveling alts. It doesn’t matter how social you are. The tank or healer you ran with on Tuesday might be too low or out leveled you by Friday when you’re ready to do the next dungeon. Being your good friend because you’re so charismatic and charming doesn’t mean they’re leveling at the same speed you are.


And im sure thats maybe true in alot of cases but not all. But im over this convo as we obviously have 2 completely different experiences within the game. Im sure RDF will come at some point and it will be a great addition. But for now people need to either sink or swim. and its no ones responsibility to learn to swim but your own. I hope you have better experiences within in the future.

No RDF for “integrity” reasons but they added the token to “combat RMT” even though they’ve sanctioned it. clearly they just want players to buy the token and pay for gdkp carries


token was just stupid but a completely diff convo

Or quit. I quit classic when they announced no rdf. I came back when DF was released. I’ll probably quit wow again while I play diablo. If rdf is added I’ll come back to classic or when I get bored with diablo I might come back for the next retail expansion. But for now I’m done with classic.

Yeah, your experience is that when you level your alts there’s always a tank and healer leveling right along with you or if you out level them or they level faster than you a new tank and healer will suddenly appear at what ever level you’re at. Because you socialize so much in your pugs. I call bullsht

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Now your just showing stupidity as i never said that.


No, but it’s the premise that must be accepted if what you claimed in previous posts were true. It’s part of my reasoning why I said I don’t believe you.

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which is idiotic reasoning. your acting like i said i have a full grp on stand by at all times. Having people u can snag on a flist and then fill in the gap from lfg is not hard or time consuming at all. Sometimes it maybe a tank, sometimes a healer, sometimes nothing. Its apparent you are low IQ for not understanding this.

It would take someone with low IQ to believe that. Everyone here with even moderate intelligence thinks you’re lying. I’m just the only one who will say it.

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Yeah, my bad. Literally no one has friends they play with. Dont know what im thinking.


What? Lulz, made up numbers on the internet are always a sign of a loser’s argument. Many do dungeons as often as they want, they have friends and guilds, or just hop in and make groups…it’s really easy if you aren’t lazy.

Btw, I’ve been pro RDF from the start.

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I have a full friends list w lots of tanks and healers. The reason you don’t believe it could be that you’re lazy and antisocial. Clearly, you’re toxic, probably seeps through in game.


A group leader can change the roles in the party.

There is a description to list whether heroic or heroic+ or a achievement group

Stop being dumb and lazy

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Dont bother. We are all lying

If you had a reasonable defense you wouldn’t make up bs like this. Everyone has friends they play with. That doesn’t mean that among their friends someone always has a tank or healer at level 30 to do a dungeon with my level 30 alt. Or that that friend will level at the same speed as I do so that they can do a level 40 dungeon with me.

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Nah, I enjoyed first run lfr. All the raging over loot with stacked groups and the difficulty. Was heckin great.