The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Explaining your experience in a dungeon is not a rational arguement when your stating others experience is a lie. You claim me saying your not thinking is an insult but its merely stating a fact. You are not thinking that other people have a different experience than yourself. You are not thinking that its possible that people talk merely because your grp does not. You are not thinking that people use their friends list and actually group with people on it for more than raiding.The only thing you are thinking is that your arguement is indeed rational but is in fact not.

That too many people believe that is why people believe in gods or bigfoot ect. I start off often saying I donā€™t believe the stories people tell. If god exists he must have a great sense of humor for example when he told Pat Robinson to run for president when, being omniscient, god knew he would go down in a humiliating defeat. I think my arguments are much deeper than simply saying itā€™s not my experience so you are wrong. You can attempt to trivialize my much more comprehensive arguments if you like. Iā€™m happy to let my arguments speak for themselves and I stand by them.

Then what stops people to do the same toward what you say?

I donā€™t believe you have tried hard enough to make it work. So what now?

If you had actually bothered to read my posts you would know I said much more than that. That you now try to summarize them so incorrectly when at the time I posted them you had no reasonable response just convinces me more that your claim that started this thread was a lie or a massive exaggeration.

Thatā€™s fine. I think we all should do that to everyone. Havenā€™t you noticed how many people lie on the internet? Frankly itā€™s a massive problem, not so much that so many lie, but that so many people are so gullible.

Every one of my posts was at least one paragraph long with several sentences. Each post was a claim with supporting arguments. This silly one sentence assertion that you claim emulates my posts means that either you never bothered to read my posts, didnā€™t comprehend them, or you did read and understand them and youā€™re lying.

Your posts are only based on your personnal experience that I donā€™t believe in. Itā€™s circumstantial at best. I donā€™t believe them. They barely stand as an opinion and even less as an argument.

Youā€™re welcome to that opinion. But to have any value in a discussion you must directly address at least some of the arguments with a counter argument. Thatā€™s how intelligent educated people discuss or debate things. There are many examples on youtube you could learn from. I recommend watching the debates between Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris as a good starting point.

You HAVE no arguments. You just said you canā€™t find people so that is what MOST people must have as the same experience. Most people that play Wotlk have done dungeons without this system.

Jordan Peterson is a terrible person and a fake guru. He got rekt so hard on Twitter that heā€™s never coming back from that.

Itā€™s not because you arenā€™t social in a dungeon that other people canā€™t be. Itā€™s not the Loch Ness monster to see people talking in dungeons. It happens for me quite a lot for leveling dungeons. A bit less for dailies, but still will happen when I meet the same people often which will happen on a smaller server. Which is also why as someone that prioritize that experience I rather play on a smaller server.

You said nothing of relevance. You essentially said your grps move fast and no one talks. You said that people you play wirh today, may out lvl you tomm. I could go on. I read all the nonsense. None of it discredits someone elses experience. So summarzing it all to ā€œmy experience is diff than yours therefore you are lyingā€ is completely accurate.

I donā€™t use twitter. Iā€™ve seen enough of it to know itā€™s trivial and nothing that happens there matters. So I donā€™t know or care what happened to Peterson there. I donā€™t like Peterson and disagree with most everything he says. But the purpose of watching intellectual debate is to have two people who disagree and exposing yourself to those different arguments. That will increase your knowledge, cause you to have better understanding of the issue, or even convince you that you were wrong. If you have any opinions on the issue being debated itā€™s inevitable that you will disagree with at least one of the two people engaged in the debate. While I donā€™t like Peterson and disagree with most of his ideas and arguments no one who has seen him in an intellectual discussion can deny he is highly intelligent and highly educated.

I have never once claimed they didnā€™t. Most people have done dungeons without rdf. So how did you come up with an idea that I have not even remotely implied? Did you lack the reading comprehension to understand my posts or are you lying? My claim was that more people do many more dungeons, especially on low level alts when rdf is in the game

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If that were true you could have illustrated why and how my posts were irrelevant with rational counter arguments when I made them. But you didnā€™t then. Your empty assertion now stinks of poor loser syndrome.

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At this point im just confused by your willful ignorance.

Ive stated multiple times why your wrong and given examples yet you still keep saying no points have been made. Meanwhile your only arguement is " not for me so your lying"

Is it drugs? Are you on something?

Iā€™ve actually seen him debate. And he only has his hateful rhetoric to help him. As soon as you understand that he doesnā€™t have any principles or values and that heā€™s just an angry man that wants to step on others to prove himself you understand a lot.

You claimed that people canā€™t have tanks or healers as friends. We do. And many people can find a healer or a tank even if they donā€™t have friends.

Is the amount of dungeons people do really required to make wrath a good or better game? I donā€™t think so. Wrath is way more than RDF. And RDF can have negative impacts on the community so that is not a clear win. I think there are ways to make people do more dungeons without adding RDF and that RDF wonā€™t save you from having to wait for a healer or a tank. It only averages the queues.

I doubt that. Nothing in my posts is so erudite that it would cause anyone of normal intelligence confusion. So Iā€™d have to guess this is a lie. Probably because you canā€™t find a good counter argument.

My points that you insist were not made. If i could type it slower for you i would because apparently its not sinking in.

If all youā€™ve seen are the 15 minute videos with titles like, ā€œPeterson wrecks dumb liberalā€ I can see why you have this opinion of him. In that context I would agree. Thatā€™s just his youtube schtick he uses to appeal to his right wing followers. In other contexts he can be very different. Thatā€™s why I suggested you watch the Peterson and Sam Harris debates. Both are highly intelligent very controversial men. Youā€™ll see a very different Peterson there. But since I donā€™t like or agree with Peterson and merely acknowledge his erudition and like and agree with Harris in their debates Iā€™m not interested in defending him any more.

I have never claimed or implied that people canā€™t have tanks or healers as friends. So, poor reading comprehension or a lie?

Required? No. Thatā€™s a subjective opinion. For myself and many others one of the reason we play MMOā€™s is to do many dungeons with other people. For many players doing many dungeons is an important part of what is fun about this game. Frankly I wish more people would admit that doing lots of dungeons while leveling lots of alts isnā€™t something thatā€™s fun for them instead of lying about how easy it is to do lots of dungeons while leveling lots of alts just by being more social. What is fun is always subjective so itā€™s ok if you donā€™t like leveling alts or doing lots of dungeons

Iā€™ve never seen a convincing argument supporting that claim.

Some of them have been attempted by blizzard and it only made the lack of an automatic grouping system more apparent. For example the rep grinds and attunement chains in BC were designed to get more people to do more dungeons. Blizzard had data that showed how small the percentage of dungeons were being done. All that work for so little player engagement. It did somewhat increase the number of players doing dungeons but also increased the players request for something like rdf due to so many having trouble finding groups.

This was in original bc but a similar situation happened in classic bc. I personally know of 4 guilds that transferred to a mega server for only one reason: the could not find enough groups for dungeons to get rep and gear up for raids. The problem of mega servers would be much less if rdf was in BC

Peterson is like a mercenary. Sure he can be intelligent, but the only people he is in for is himself. Doesnā€™t believe in god or his fellow man. Heā€™s close to Nietzche for me in many ways. Just an arrogant rhetoric that easily leads to hate.

You have seen them, you just donā€™t care. A bit like Peterson, if you donā€™t have any values in something itā€™s pretty easy to say that itā€™s not an argument. I believe that the community is worth more than the single man experience. And yes Iā€™m fine if that means less people playing the game because the goal should be the quality of the experience, not to fake it and mass produce it.

You can still do dungeons without RDF, but you need to put more efforts. If you refuse to talk to people then yes you are just not helping yourself. Just going to the manager because they wonā€™t serve you what you want. This ainā€™t a RDF shop and it doesnā€™t need to be. It sells something else. If you want some mass produced, lobby games there are other games. Or you can wait as we all know itā€™s coming for probably someday.

Peterson not only believes in god but thinks religion is very important for societies. In fact the debates with Harris were about the existence of god and the importance of religion. Harris took the contrary position as an extreme atheist who believes that religion is mostly a malign influence in societies. If youā€™re willing to spout off such nonsense when anyone who watched a little about Peterson knows heā€™s a christian who believes in a christian god and Jesus and is an extreme advocate for the christian religion then I wonder what other nonsense that youā€™re completely ignorant of are you willing to spout off about.

In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked if he was a Christian; he responded, ā€œI suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes.ā€[195][j] When asked if he believes in God, Peterson responded: ā€œI think the proper response to that is no, but Iā€™m afraid He might exist.ā€

In a podcast with Douglass Murray and Johnathan Pageau, Peterson stated that God is the ā€œultimate fictional characterā€ which is ā€œat the top of the hierarchy of attention and actionā€.[196]

Thank god for wikipedia. Itā€™s such an accurate source for information. And Iā€™ll bet that you just googled wiki and didnā€™t even bother to watch the videos you linked. For me this just illustrated the depth of your ignorance. Every thing in this world is more complicated than you care to consider. Either because you only care about the superficial or you lack the erudition to understand complex subjects. Hereā€™s a more balanced analysis of Petersonā€™s views on god.

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