The Hallowfall Fishing Derby changes are awful

Again Blizzard doing changes that no 1 asked for, making the game worse.

at most, I’ve had 5 alts with fishing at some point, and thankfully with all the character/account consolidation we’ve had, I had decided to finally just have one character to do the cooking and fishing.

This change kind of killed my interest in the derby collectibles.

Throwing in my two dace with this one. I completed it last night, and only got 3 marks for completing the derby on my main. Its the only one I have fishing on, so most definitely the first completion. I do hope this is a bug, and we can return to 25 on completion for the first character, because otherwise that diving suit is going to be rough.

Quick math shows about 20 marks would be available weekly at current rate given 1 per unique fish type caught, and 3 for completion.
20 per week, divided by 500 for the diving suit, and you’re looking at just under 6 months to afford it.

Please revert, devs.

Blizzard, what the heck, why? No one is going to spend 6+ hours for 22 saturdays straight for a mount. This is dumb.

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Too bad they didn’t have anyone minding the store on Saturday to deal with this.


So after my alt’s success, I tried on my main. 45 min and not One derby fish. Caught like 60 fish. Fought off lots of mobs. With about 10 min left, gave up in disgust.

Worser than trying to win the Stranglethorn fish tournament back in the days when my realm was pure PvP. That was at least funny when I killed someone while equipped with a fishing pole. lmao

While multiple characters could pick up the quest this week, only the first gets the hour long buff. Without the buff, you will not get credit for the quest.

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This is what I read yesterday, and after I went to the quest giver on my main and saw the reward was 3 marks, yeah I hearthed and logged off.

What the heck? What kind of stupid change is this? If you only have time for one character a week (at least my case) then this dramatically hurts. Booooo.

Well that sucks even worse! Fine, will just try on one char next time. Maybe they’ll unnerf this by the time I get back from Vegas. peh

I’m fine with only doing it once per week in spite of the changes. There aren’t many rewards, and it’s not like it will disappear once the expac is done.

blizzard has a weekly quest to totally screw something up with a hotfix lol. revert this change

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This change feels like the antithesis of the whole “we respect the player’s time” philosophy.


Blizzard constantly reminding us this whole expansion, things that could’ve been an easy W, they will always turn into an L.


I DO play with alts, and this change is just outright stupid…
Im not going to play with alts to get marks… Im going to get my achieve once I can catch the stupid Coel, and then im done with this “event”…

Even with the 25 marks, and lets round it to 15 bonus for fish for 40 per week, thats still 12.5 weeks to get the cosmetic diving suit alone…

Pre nerf that was pushing it… Post nerf, someone is having a laugh, and its not the players.

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anyone knows any update on this?

I was mad that I started the derby, and then a friend came on so we went and did a delve. I failed, but when I abandoned the quest to pick it back up I didn’t get the hour timer or any marks while fishing.

I just don’t even care anymore if it’s gonna keep up like that.

I’ve seen nothing yet.

Nothing in these hotfixes from yesterday.

Same. Saw the reward changed, said nope. Well, I said a lot more than that in the privacy of my own home lol

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You need 200 of the threads to max your Algari Weaverline fishing this expansion. They are extremely rare to actually fish up. So if you buy them, that is 2000 marks as they are 10 each. Previously at 40 marks a week, that is 50 weeks. Now, it will take substantially longer.

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I was shocked when I only got (3) marks this week, didn’t know of the change. Not going to bother. None of the rewards are worth it.

On a side note: Why no cool looking fishing pole to buy? Seems like an obvious choice.

Another note: I always thought it was considered rude to plop down and start fishing someone else’s pool. Over (20) years of playing, it seems the vast majority of people respected that. This expansion it happens multiple times per play session, even on standard pools. Anyone else notice that?