The Great Worm of 8.3 marks the Return of World PVP

Imagine a Net-O-Matic mount equipment that lets you use it while flying.

I recently came back for Shadowlands since leaving after launch and actually enjoyed Warmode during the time. Yeah I was outnumbered but I played a Rogue at the time so it really gave me a Metal Gear Solid vibe having to sneak everywhere.

I turned Warmode on today at 120 and a Druid flew down and shot me with some kind of Death Lazer and killed me instantly.

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Oof, someone is bitter this holiday season!

The way I see it (as an alliance player), war mode isnt worth the bonus due to all the time lost getting ganked by 10 horde roaming around as a raid group in quest areas. Yes, I know I can do the same, but I dont see the appeal of needing to be in a raiding group to complete world quests. I’ll pass on the extra 25 war resources or 20 gold.

Hey I’d be all for a compromise if it means not being 12 years a slave to the ground, or anything that will simply take away our max flying speed.

Knowing Blizzard, unless they come out in writing and say anything good, these ideas of ways to slow us down are only going to get worse and take longer and longer before we can fly at max speed again, if at all.

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His argument is invalid thanks to cross realm PVP.
Even on Illidan we’re somehow and for some stupid reason paired up with other servers.

World Pvp was buried by Legion. Personally as someone who just pvps these days, I don’t care about flying and I don’t care about raid zergefts that some people call world Pvp.

It’d be a lot nicer if they invest more in testing the actual class gameplay and interaction between specs and in a non messirable pvp gearing system aka vendors.

Just turn off flying in Warmode if it’s this much of an issue.

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Even with war mode on, people in both factions don’t bother to world pvp, they just want to finish their world quest as fast as possible

This won’t affect me because (1) I don’t have War Mode on, and (2) I tend to fly NOE so I’ll most likely stay out of the Worm’s aggro area anyway.

That is allowable by game design. This is why we have war mode and peace mode. You still get to enjoy the game at its face value. I just see how the world pvpers will love or hate this.

Many different types of gameplay how
? Seriously tho, are you blizzard’s spokesperson?

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No they are the ‘facts’ person on this forum. They don’t deal in opinions, just facts. Make what of that as you will.

Wut /confused yet amused

I should have book marked that comment of theirs but that’s what they stated and went on to say opinions were something akin to garbage. I am assuming what they really meant was everyone elses opinions were garbage though since they do offer a lot of their own.


You mean youre dead if you turn on WM. :kissing_heart:

I still love wpvp wish we still had wpvp quests because gank squads are just lame.

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Next patch:

“The Great Worm has grown in size, it now covers all of Azeroth and somehow Outland/Draenor, happy Shadowlands!”

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Have you been on the PTR? or just reading it?

They’re not that bad
 and easily avoidable

World pvp has never been a big thing, sporadic moments in certain areas, that’s it.

The Mandela effect is a powerful thing.

I’m unsure how slower flying means less flying. Those worms are easy enough to avoid and just because I get slowed in the air doesn’t mean I’m going to hoof it through invasions to get where I need to.

Until this day I still believe that they have not used the assets of Atal Dazar efficiently enough. Iiked the world pvp brawl arenas in Legion and greatly miss it here.

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