The Great Worm of 8.3 marks the Return of World PVP

Flying is unleashed but the zone pvp fights during invasions are going to be incredible. First of all we have to deal with this worm. Which means less flying only for this invasion event. This will force more ground combat.

Then there is this

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lmao as if people wont just fly low to the ground and be fine, if you want world pvp go to classic or get inventive. Soulscape manages just fine.


Just saying I have been hearing from the PVP No Pathfinder crowd that they dont want flying for the game because it diminishes world pvp. It was very disappointing when blizzard removed world pvp quests. This kindof is a kick back to that style and I do not totally hate it. But alas I need to see how it actually affects the gameplay.

Horde players will be excited that all 4 Alliance players who still have Hordemode on will be slightly easier to gank during their flight in a very specific area at a very specific time.


Hey, that’s not always the case.

Sometimes my WPVP raids are treated to an all-you-can-kill Alliance buffet.

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? But I won’t be in PVP/Warmode. So how would it “force” it?

No matter what bonus they have, it is never worth it to me.


World PvP in this game is dead… dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead…It’s dead.


I mean… what is your server’s population horde to alliance?

Unbalanced shards really suck. I get sharded with Proudmoore very frequently, and they have a massive alliance population to a miniscule horde population. It is extremely rare that alliance isn’t pushing our FPs on the CtA area of the week. What needs to happen is for Blizzard to fix shard balance (not to mention the lag fest that is BfN a la Ruin).

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No it won’t.

WPvP has been dead for quite a while.

Seemed to be a big thing in Classic for a few weeks.

I love how they actually call the creatures annoying. Say a lot.


It won’t, lmao.

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I have yet to check out the shard that I’m migrating to (bonechewer is the server I’m on) but according to realm pop it’s pretty balanced so I’ll find out soon, but the shard all my other characters are on its horrible. 5% alliance 95% horde. I agree, they should definitely reevaluate the shards so they are more balanced. Now if only 5% of the alliance activates wm than that’s our own fault, but right now we don’t even have the chance as a community to correct ourselves.

riiight. You know what it’s really going to look like? Parties/raids of one faction dominating the other, forcing them to turn it off. Just like now!

World pvp was never good. It’s simply frustrating. Scaling also makes it less fun.


I read that like you were in an anime.


The WPvP ppl are amusing to me. They have this bizarre belief that flying is what killed it but in reality it’s their own cancerous way of playing the game that killed it. Go look at classic. 40 man groups camping flight points/quest givers has killed the enthusiasm for “classic pvp” almost instantly.
Tl:dr wpvp is dead and the only thing that killed it is wpvpers.


Or they could be like me and say no thanks I will play in the old areas instead.

Would’ve been cooler if there were air streams around Uldum that sped you up while you were doing invasions. Sort of like Flying in Skyward Sword or Star Fox. A speed boost is definitely more fun than a snare.


The great panda dragon reskin of 2019

2020* it has not come out to live yet

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Err Warmode was garbage berfore flying

Warmode is still a toggle

This system is secluded to one zone and Flying still exists …soooooo :thinking: