WoW is an inherently bad platform for battle royal style world PvP.
As an RPG with it’s roles, classes and gearing mechanics it just wont be balanced and the server tech just doesn’t work well with large scale battles. I can be chasing someone and suddenly die to 10+ people before my client even loads them in.
The only thing it’s good for is it allows people to exploit extreme power and situational differentials. It’s like an FPS with open season spawn camping.
This anti flight movement for PvP is just people upset that players can fly over their game of highway ganking. People that are mad because the game allows people to avoid combat and doesn’t hold them down while they beat them over the head.
That world PvP dead horse is getting beat a lot these days. Used to be nice when they didn’t shard/cross realm the hell out of everything and disabled World Defense cause it wasn’t broken back then and you could easily get to hot spots.
This worm is going to be great for many different types of gameplay and activities. I seriously cannot wait.
The only thing I truly hope we see is that this could possibly be a foundation for a new aspect of gameplay we see in future expansions. Many players have asked for dangers in the skies over the years, now we’re finally getting it.
Don’t forget people camping Blackrock Mountain(Death Mountain) & searing gorge from sun up to sun down. Before BGs came out it took my entire guild 2 hours just to even get inside. 80+ horde with sapper charging mages would damn near wipe everyone. It was hell. The AH in ironforge would be bombed every minute of the hour also. That was a wake up call to go back horde
Even with our heavy Alliance bias, Alliance WM participation is pretty low. We get AOO every week and have except for maybe a month or so shortly after it released.
There will always be abusers everywhere. However when awards like AOO are involved most people will not abuse it. Especially since we are talking about world pvp. How can they abuse mercenary mode in world pvp?
World PVP is dead and has been since about halfway through legion and it has nothing to do with flying, in fact, flying was what allowed so many people to join WM since they can get out of danger faster and therefore not stay dead as long.
You see the issue with PVP is that one person only needs to be about 10 iLVL higher than the other guy, no thanks to stat squishes over the years. That’s not hard to be 10 iLVL or more higher or lower.
Back in Legion that number was closer to 30-40 iLVL and before that it was higher again, but with the constant stat squishes it means the iLVL difference gets smaller before a noticeable difference is seen.
Don’t believe me? Look back to classic, you could 20 actual levels lower than someone and still put up a fight, now one level is an entire world of difference and 10 iLVL is enough in most cases to run away with the kill.
My guild runs multiple premade groups in WM for the weekly PVP quests. We just hop on Discord and run 10+ into the enemy camp. Not hard to get many smaller groups in the same discord channel to organise what is happening and roflstomp the enemy.
I agree with you 100%. My views on flying are littered all over these forums. However this is something I heard from those groups many times and want to know what they think of this compromise. If you get my drift.
I wish I could have your level of optimism. Or delusion.
The only pre-Pathfinder werld pee vee pee I saw on either faction came in the form of someone geared to the teeth blowing up leveling alts during invasions. It’s still the only form of unanticipated open world combat I see on the regular, unless you count one-sided Nazjatar zerg rushes.
I’d rather they take the net-o-matic and buff it. Decrease the cast time, increase the range, and make it an AOE so it can dismount multiple players if they’re too close to each other.