The Graphics War

if it’s a toggle you have 100% authentic experience still…just a secondary option for those who want a BETTER experience.

What? You know what authentic means right? Like, I really didn’t expect this to devolve into a “Well, webster’s defines <x> as”, but you’re sort of forcing my hand here. Authentic literally means something performed or maintained in the “original” or “traditional” way. By absolute definition, it would not be authentic to have new models. It doesn’t mean that you’re wrong to want them, but it absolutely means it’s not authentic. Therefore, against Blizzard’s literal published goal from their article – and not at all what those of us would want who want an authentic experience.

STARCRAFT HD IS A AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE OF STARCRAFT it has classic mode and HD (same bugs and whatt not)

You keep using that word incorrectly. Starcraft HD is not authentic. It’s certainly in the spirit of starcraft and provides an experience that honors the original, but it is NOT authentic if it has improved graphics. An authentic Starcraft would be one that is updated to run on modern hardware (and not Windows 98 like it expects).

You keep using the word “Authentic” where you should otherwise be saying “It provides the personal experience that I enjoy”

Then you should be creating a thread petitioning Blizzard to remove all the modern UI changes and dynamic shadows and water. You’re instead wasting your time posting in a thread about something that has an infinitesimally small chance of happening, whereas the new shadows and water are almost guaranteed to be included in Classic.

Unless of course you mean “classic should remain classic (except for all these things that aren’t classic but I don’t care about)”, which is what most people mean when they say that.

I’ve posted about this many times in his and Bananaynay’s thread, but I’ll cross-post it here since I know it’s been a while.

I absolutely would love and agree with the modern UI being removed, new water, new shadows, and the new ground clutter engine being reverted to classic.

However, I also realize that using a modern client (Legion) is essentially required to gain desktop compatibility (newer OS/etc), security (Anti-hack/cheat), and other engine based “improvements” simply come along for the ride. The time and effort to try and couple a new engine with old engine logic from 15 years ago would be a daunting and unreasonable ask. While it does not make me happy, I understand that the technical effort to achieve authentic versions of those aspects is flat out prohibitive.

Art replacements is not anywhere in this wheelhouse. Art can be modified (generally) with minimal effort. I mean, that’s literally your whole argument on why there should be a toggle. Where an authentic experience CAN be achieved without a prohibitive technical barrier, it should ALWAYS be a classic experience.

It’s never going to be 100% authentic and it has no effect on you. It’s already got updated graphics and a different interface under the hood. Clarification: I don’t care either way but this isn’t a valid argument.

The modern water textures are art. They could be removed but they’re not being removed as far as we know.

Let me ask you this, do you think there’s a higher chance for Blizzard to implement an HD model toggle than there is for them to remove the Cataclysm water textures?

The community has convinced Blizzard to change course on multiple issues, why are there no popular threads about removing the Cataclysm water textures? There’s a significant amount of water in the game and the Cataclysm water looks significantly different from the Classic water.

Generally water engines are not that simple. If I am incorrect and it’s a simple texture swap, then I absolutely will be campaigning for old water. There’s no reason for it to be anything but authentic if it’s that simple.

Guess you guys are going to have to stop crying and see what Blizzard does on there Classic server that’s suppose to be the true vanilla experience.

Who knows maybe you guys will get a diffrent version of vanilla 1 day where graphics, catchup mechanics and transmog are a given to whatever the community crys for…aka BFA

Oh yeah there is also the option to play BFA if you want graphics as well just a heads up carebears :wink:

It is a simple texture swap, how do you think BfA has the Classic water available on the low water setting?

Doesn’t grass on classic move when you run through it? Because that’s not vanilla at all.

Not sure, I am not privy to Blizzard’s engine. But again, if so, it should absolutely be forced as old water.

Yep the new ground clutter engine is what does this. Just like in my prior post, it would be ideal if this were back to truly authentic ground clutter as well. But, I understand that it’s technically prohibitive to make such sweeping engine changes in the Legion client and would not be deemed good business value by Blizzard to expend the effort.

But I would still argue that everything should be classic. Literally everything. But I do understand that they need to deliver a product in a reasonable timespan and some things are technically prohibitive.

As much as people claim they want authenticity they honestly do not. In the long run neither of these things matter. You want the experience, the look is secondary. Who cares if the water ripples as you move through it? Or the grass moves? Is this really going to hurt your experience? No because it’s still the same game underneath.

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They could easily remove it but they won’t. It’s an optional graphic enhancement that is being left in the game along with numerous other UI changes and graphical enhancements.

They could simply delete the HD water textures like they did the models.

Classic is Classic.

(except for xxxx, xxxx; xxxx, xxxx).

It’s the gameplay that matters. Not the graphics. That’s why when they do remasters of games the games normally have new graphics but the gameplay is the same.

The people saying “If you want new models play BFA” are absolutely missing this point.

Model toggle wouldn’t hurt anyone.


There’s a difference between excuses and reasons. You’re giving Blizzard an excuse because it fits your narrative.

They could easily remove the water textures. You can pretend it would take a significant amount of time but it wouldn’t. You’re going to continue to argue against something with an infinitesimally small chance of happening instead of going after something that is not Classic in anyway and is going to be shipped unless the community unites against it.

You do not care if Classic is Classic, that’s obvious enough.

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The fact that you think they are independent is very dishonest. Graphics are a part of gameplay just as any other aspect of a game.

Exactly this is my problem with this argument. If I had updated graphics and models on would you even be able to tell the difference? Nope. Not to mention on live this is a thing as it is. Not everyone can run the game at max settings some people are on absolute lowest settings and you can’t tell the difference.

Start the petition if you actually think that.

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