The Graphics War

New graphics are literally H-

For those entering the thread late. It’s boiled down to this:

Bananaynay: I would like new models, because they suit my tastes better
Opposition: Neat, you’re allowed to have your own tastes. But not only does the greater community agree, Blizzard has literally stated classic should be authentic.
Bananaynay: lolol you’re so dumb, don’t you realize things can change?
Opposition: Sure can, but they shouldn’t. Classic should be classic. Just like the color green should remain green and not someone’s personal interpretation of green.
Bananaynay: I hereby declare that since my opinion is technically possible, it should therefore be a thing – as I should be able to play this game in any potential way as I see fit (in toggle form as long as it doesn’t impact others).

Annnnd now you’re pretty much up-to-speed.

Bananaynay has effectively brought his argument to a 5 year old backyard game where you’re playing as wizards and everytime you totally hit him with your spell, he goes “nuh uh, I was uh… totally wearing my fire invincibility cloak”. Then when you tell him that’s not a thing he screeches at the top of his lungs and insists he gets to use whatever items he wants.

Nothing you can say will ever change his opinion that he has the absolute right to experience the game in his own personal preference (which is somehow not elitist) and that we insist that Classic WoW in fact remain authentic to Classic WoW for everyone for consistency (which is, in a weird turn of events, apparently super elitist).


The toggle worked perfectly fine until they removed the old skeletons in the Legion pre-patch.

I disagree.

There used to be a lot of clipping that didn’t exist before because the old armor pieces didn’t sit properly on the new character models.

Let’s see some evidence. I have no idea why you think old armor would clip on old models because of new models.

There’s no train of logic there.

You have a bit of mistakes in word “nonsense” in this sentence.
I listen to arguments. But there is no arguments that are logical. They are all subjective or/and egoistic.


Not any, but official form which were working fine before. I don’t ask blizzards to make tMorph in game where I could change any race to any race or bring transmog feature. I just want personal toggle which affects only my experience (and one other guy who can’t play this game if other people doesn’t see his character as he creates it, even if he doesn’t know if they do that or don’t)

The models were updated in 2015, while Classic is supposed to look and feel like original WoW from 2004 - 2006.

If you want newer content (including models), you’re more than welcome to play retail WoW.

It has nothing to do with impact on other players, it has to do with preserving Classic.

And here we go again: The three riders of the calssicalipsis:

  • #nochange
  • #goplayBFA
  • #ItWasn’tInVanilla

Pick something new. This became very stale.

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Sorry that reality doesn’t fit with what you want.

So to summarize this topic…

OP: There shouldn’t be a reason to fight because the new graphics shouldn’t hurt anyone elses game play. Why bother?

Vocal No Change Community: If you going think that way Go somewhere else! The 3D models hurt or else Blizz would’ve done it already.

Summary: Other people thinking differently hurts our feelings and makes it difficult for me to immerse myself in nostalgia.

The down to earth discussion hidden deep within all the butt-hurt:
The newer 3D animations are thought to actually affect gameplay so NO, newer graphics wouldn’t be an option since it most likely would affect gameplay. Hope this helps.

Which continues to be the whole point. Blizzard didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t/whatever support 2 skeletons to support the animations that everyone would also want if they tried a toggle again.

This thread boils down to the same claptrap that usually occurs on the forums, i.e. some people are making a request; whereas, some people (who happen to have Asperger’s) are taking the request in an offensive manner. If you don’t want a toggle and/or updated models then move along; otherwise, give the players that do a chance to petition Blizzard for the option. Classic is supposed to be a "nod’ towards the community, and Blizzard will, based upon that feedback, adjust the game accordingly (as indicated by their interviews).


What do you mean? Classic is probably going to be a static game. Once the toggle is in, it’s in and doesn’t require additional support. We’re not going to get model format changes and new armor models or character customization options that need to be fit on SD and HD models.

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“Agree with me, or you’re [insert childish insult here]”


No, I said it clipped on the new models.

Learn how to read, Gald. Seriously.

I know you don’t care about the new models, but if there was ever to be a toggle they’d have to not be borked when wearing old armor.

Which is why I don’t want a toggle. Nor do I want the new models.

If you think those asking for the new models will not also want Blizzard to keep them updated as they update in the other game, I’m not sure what to say.

Those asking for a toggle also specifically ask for new animations, which will also continue to be added/updated which adds another layer of complexity to this.

On top of that, there’s not some switch (aka toggle) on the back end that they can hit to get this implemented to begin with. I’m not opposed to a toggle but all of this coupled with the effort required means I don’t think it should happen. And history shows that Blizzard agrees since they removed it.

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How about you learn how to type properly so you statements can’t be so easily misconstrued.

Why would you care if clipping happened on new models?

Used to be a lot of clipping that didn’t exist before. The way you worded this, makes it seem like you’re implying that the new models introduced more clipping of armor on the old models.

I won’t be responding to your posts anymore if you’re just going to take the Brokenwind route with insults.

I’m sorry, dude.

I really do wish people would stop trying to reinterpret my posts though. I’m typing as literally as possible. :-/

With regards to the clipping, I don’t know why I typed that. I think I got triggered having to explain why the toggle’s a bad idea again and I started ranting.

No, you said the toggle didn’t work properly because of clipping. You’re talking about the toggle to old character models.

Don’t tell me to learn to read when these two posts of yours strongly insinuates that you’re talking about the old models. Why else would you bring up the toggle to old models?

Did you mean the toggle created clipping issues on new models and old models were fine?