The Graphics War

The biggest reason for me is that I can’t see through the classic water, but if I turn on retail water I can see all the way to the bottom most of the time. What this means it is now harder to hide in water due to some players playing with the classic water off. The fastest solution would be to make sure that all players would have to use the older version of classic water were you can’t see the enemy players waiting in ambush.

Outside of the PvP applications like water I am pretty fine with players using whatever ui settings they want.


Thats completely illogical. So if they had graphical update addon back then…you would be ok with it? Haha.

The whole problem with arguing against it and the MAIN point. Is that this is a client side thing. It will not change YOUR game.

So why not allow others to have their “graphical addon”"

You are talking about graphical injections that are against the TOS and not addons, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

You still have not hit on the client side vs your side part. The MAIN point. Do you understand what client side is? Not trying to be condescending. Just making sure you just missed hitting on that and not that you did not understand it.

New shadows and water aren’t authentic.

but the argument is that you can have YOUR authentic experience. Just with by making Your setting classic.

There already are changes. Theres a difference between changes that hurt how the game works, and ones that change how it looks.

You are basing your argument off of something that is against the Terms of Service. So let’s delve into that, since you are switching topics, and don’t really want to hold a single point.

That same argument can be applied to TMorph, which was an addon doing exactly that, graphical client side changes. You know what people did with that? People made mining nodes, Flags in BGs, and other important objects the size of Ragnaros.

You are the one who clearly is not seeming to understand the topic at hand.

Wait blizzard having a toggle option that THEY created is against TOS?

My other statements were examples and analogies they were not the main point.

People have patched new models into vanilla. Its client side.

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That isn’t an addon nor are you reading a word I’m saying. I’d suggest revisiting your entire argument before responding again because you are not making any sense at all.

Yo Classic looks straight up GORGEOUS


Well maybe I did not explain my stance correctly. That is possible as I did not read all 70 posts. I just inserted opinion here.

My argument is that they have the option in the beta to have classic settings or updated settings. In THEIR (being blizzard/classic) settings. I was under the impression that you were arguing against having that option that was already in the beta. If that was not the case. I apologize for being so hasty. If that is the case then we could continue the discussion as I hastily interpreted it.

That’s okay, I wasn’t referring to that. I was referring to the topic of the higher definition player models. No worries friend, I apologize as well, I could’ve been more clear in the beginning. Simple misunderstanding. :slightly_smiling_face:

OHHHHH OK. Woops well i was wrong. I know admitting your wrong in 2019 on a forum is unheard of. But yes Ok now I see your point.


Don’t worry - it’s hard to do, I’m also taking fault here because I could’ve explained better myself. Again, no hard feelings, and it’s a simple misunderstanding. :slightly_smiling_face:


The hype is real. The forums have never been so active!

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So this is what I have to say on the matter. Having a toggle will require work. The last time they had it, it was broken, which means it isn’t just an easy implementation.

Now… we need to consider what is important to work on and what isn’t. Everyone who wants the toggle says “I want classic for the gameplay, not the graphics.” Okay, that is cool. But that means the gameplay is more important than the graphics… so you should be wanting that time spent recreating the authenticity of the gameplay. The graphics should be secondary on what is worked on. I won’t go so far as to say they care about graphics more than gameplay by presenting the argument. I do hope they understand that with the limited resources, trying to implement a system that hasn’t worked yet (which is not tied to what they want out of the experience) just isn’t that important.

I can’t say that I’ve paid too much attention to the forums prior to this, but I’ll take your word for it. It’s good to see the community starting to reform a bit more for Classic. Even in the stress test, I have had plenty of wholesome interactions, it’s great to see again.

This is what happens when you just swap the MPQ files around. You get bugged models.

What people don’t understand is Blizzard tried a toggle. The problem was the new models and textures were designed to work with the new skeletons and animations. If you want a lot of people to look like Vincent D’Onofrio in MiB, sure, let’s put the toggle back in.

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