The point is the demand for old games with better graphics already exist and Blizzard games at that. Who cares if you don’t want them? This thread was created out of the demand.
Yeah better watch out your computer might explode because someone else sees improved models.
I said it’d destroy Classic, not destroy my computer. Strawman much?
I can literally go on a private server right now with new models. All blizzard needs to do is say go for it and you won’t even need to see a toggle in game, I’ll add them myself to my client.
And you’ll be banned.
I’m a person who usually likes max graphics in games, but I think the Classic graphics look great at 1440p, and it’s not at all obvious that modern WoW graphics are better. There’s just something about the rustic original graphics combined with the old music that just makes the atmosphere way, way better and more immersive to me than modern WoW. It’s difficult to explain.
And with this game, the rule of thumb should always be, when in doubt, #nochanges.
“All blizzard needs to do is say go for it” Guess you don’t read much.
Kerg. I’mma buy you a pint in Pandaria. We can talk about getting our butts handed to us by a bear.
Modifying the game files is against the EULA/TOS. You will be banned.
Wow such a great detective you are. That is exactly why I said if blizzard said it’s okay then I would. You are running out of arguments. I mean really the point wasn’t because I want to, it’s because I already know it is possible without affecting gameplay.
And they won’t say it’s okay. They never have, and they never will.
well i mean classic would be the mona lisa itself, i wouldn’t want people to experience the mona lisa in the museum made with modern acrylics/painting materials, but the way leonardo originally painted it
Why? The way Leonardo originally painted it would ensure the Mona Lisa would be dust in a matter of decades.
Have you ever thought that maybe its not hipster, but that we genuinely think the old models are better? I can’t stand the new models. The animations are weird to me, and some of them look silly. The updated graphics are fine. They look good. But the models are a no go.
Fair enough
well i mean having the original mona lisa itself not what someone else recreated to look like it
Yeah I mean that too.
Or do you really think dank castles and torchlight are good for centuries-old parchment and ink?
in my opinion the graphical fidelity of the game is enough to be considered part of the experience of the game itself, or art style, which is why i compare it to the mona lisa itself rather than simply the area around it to look upon it
No, I completely agree. I just think of the “museum” as the modern client we’re experiencing the game through in this context.
We don’t need updated models and textures.
well i agree and am ok with having more graphical computer options for people (like different resolutions, colorblind mode, etc.), but i don’t want them to go back and add more polygons to things or something because i feel like that was a part of the original game