Yeah I don’t think there would be any issue if the new models were faithful HD reproductions of the originals, but the artists took some pretty huge liberties with them…
I can, believe me. I’m and old time texture artist who came long way through WoW games as a fa… hm as a n admirer of their work and become Art Director of a games with similar art style.
I LOVE their work and more I love how it developed. I loved when TBC came out it was a breath of fresh air.
I remember, when I created a blood elf hunter and went to nagrand just to OBSERVE their newly added mobs with awesome SUPERB textures, animations and models. This always was giving me a lot of inspiration: to draw hand paint texture myself. And I became good with it. So good that even got a work of my desire.
You people don’t understand how much their new artwork is way better than old one.
I understand that you can prefer old stuff over new, cause you want to return to your nostalgic feelings. But me — being an artist, want to return to that feeling without bleeding from my eyes.
And when I see this
https ://i.imgur .com/Xq4AXVG.gifv [delete spaces]
over this
ttps://i.pinimg .com/originals/82/f4/02/82f4027664076b8a7ec9f6fbfa1684f4.jpg [delete spaces]
http s://i.imgur .com/5DrqCO6.jpg [delete spaces]
Look how WAY BETTER their animations become.
http s:// .com/watch?v=JEE7iKWitUg [delete spaces]
I cri erry tiem.
I can’t understand why people don’t allow ME personally use new stuff that I like and that I grew on. When they don’t see it if they don’t want it. It’s just a toggle under the settings menu, you can never see it if you want.
You never used colorblind mode right? But it exists for people who want/need to use it. Why am I different? Why I can’t get what I want if this isn’t at expense of anything and anyone?
Go get a couple hundred thousand signatures asking for new art and who knows, maybe Blizzard will give it to you?
Those of us who lobbied for Classic over the years are finally getting the game with minimal changes and we are happy. Don’t expect us to jump on your train. We don’t want the new art in the beautiful old game.
Whether you understand our point of view or not is your issue, not ours.
If you want updated graphics then change the settings to reflect so. If you want classic graphics then hit the toggle button that will allow that to happen.
Easy peezy everyone’s happy.
Alandis, that was one big run on sentence there bud. xD
The two are separate games entirely, in case you didn’t know…
I still play WC3, I dont want or need updated graphics. I’ll be happy to school all the noobs with their new client, while I’m on the old client.
Yep. You guys are clearly showed this to me.
All answers are the same: It’s your problem, #nochanges and other bullschnitzel which doesn’t add anything as an argument.
Also. Excuse mua but I was one of those people as well who asked for Vanilla to return. And always wanted it starting from the Cataclysm expansion. Don’t just cut me from this cause you don’t agree with me or cause I want some additional things that doesn’t do any harm if done properly.
Why do you assume that only noobs want updated graphics?
This is the same as option to have new models of races in game. You play OLD models and I’m playing NEW models and you schooling me your perfect superb skills with your old visuals when I’m being schooled with my newly ones. Everyone happy. And you and me.
Ofc not. You are the only one who should be happy, isn’t it?
It’s like revisionist history gone wild.
I have not made any such assumption.
The assumption I’ve made is that there will be a lot of noobs (new people to the game) on the new client.
You’re making assumptions about my assumption
If i was put in charge of the project i would tune it down to N64 graphics(Ocarina, not Majoras Mask) just to irritate your awful generation op.
And what about me. I existed in vanilla. And yet I want updated graphics. Cause this wasn’t a finished piece of art then, and it is not one at this moment.
Wow always was evolving visually. As any game with this lifespan. It’s a part of evolution, and wow is an organism that evolves with us the players.
Some of its parts are devolving (like a gameplay on retail) but some of its part evolving nicely (like new textures, animations and VFX).
This isn’t something you just placing on a sport in museum and tell everyone: “DO NOT TOUCH!!!1”
You want as many people as possible to experience it again. Cause if this will be the game just for you, there will be no game at all.
Your message is clearly addressing that only new people wants new stuff. Which is false. Even coming from you who using new versions of iPhones/Samsungs every few years.
Sure, tell me how you still have nokia 9110
Show me.
I’m certain there will be noobs on the new client… that’s a safe assumption on my part.
I agree.
Assumptions and more assumptions. Any more assumptions?
Classic looks great as it is right now. What you are asking for is a waste of time.
Clearly that much was obvious considering I brought war3 getting graphics up already. Making up things now?
i would agree in saying that classic wow should be treated as almost a museum piece of sorts
Feel free to quote me, I dunno what you’re getting at.
My point is that, comparing WC3 to WoW… they’re separate games. May as well add Borderlands GOTY and the dozens of other re-skinned games to your argument. They have no bearing.
TLDR: WC3 is not WoW and shouldn’t be compared.
I mean I agree but when you go to see the mona lisa you don’t go to see it in a dank castle lit with torches.
Because it’s the Mona Lisa and they want it preserved. A dank castle and torches would destroy the painting over time.
Kind of like new models and a non-functional toggle would destroy Classic over time.