I’m all for options but I just don’t think the old models are nearly as different as I remembered. When I got to character creation in the stress test I thought they still looked pretty nice for a 14 year old game. I’ve heard they tried the toggle in WoD and it failed, apparently there’s more to old/new models than we thought. Everquest did it seemlessly a few years before WoW came out though, so if a toggle doesn’t work that’s purely on their coders.
You have 3 choices regarding “new” graphics.
- turn them off
- close your eyes when you play
- don’t play Classic
Either way no one else cares but you.
You haven’t been to a museum lately have you? The Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame Museum is not a bunch of machines behind glass, to give on example. Modern major museums like the Smithsonian are all about interactive experiences and being a part of history.
Just to point out, you realise that many of the Vanilla textures, outside of the animated models are the same textures in Retail right? The wall of the house in Stormwind that hasn’t changed in 15 years, is still the same texture.
But the key thing is, we’re doing our best to recreate an experience. That consistent sense of experience will have a few weak points, but things like modern character models and updated graphics will be consistently jarring.
These kids who think that a game’s quality is based on its appearance are basically shallow. They don’t want “Classic to its full potential”. They want to “claim” to be playing Classic, while expecting to get a completely new game. The “hipsters” of youth are complaining that the “old people” are getting the museum to look like history. The hipsters are the ones who are treating this like a retro reimagining of history with “updated graphics”.
I for one do not expect to see a neanderthal with those stupid ear rings and a flannel shirt, when I go into the museum. So yes, many of us do take offense when people who didn’t exist when Vanilla came out, tell us how bad it looks and how it should all be changed.
Graphics toggle is nice. The new human models are terrible. I still can’t believe they decided on the male human face and facial hair they did.
There should be an option for people to play with the old models and graphics or the new models and graphics. The end!
You actually prefering the old models over the new encapsulates the whole retail v classic “debate” in minuature. Anyone can google a comparison and shock themselves with a close-up, side by side view.
You have the right to prefer cow dung pie to chocolate pie, but trying to argue the objective merits of prefering a mouth full of sht instead of chocolate makes you look exactly as pathetic as it sounds.
I am quite flexible when it comes to changes. I even support most of the proposed ones. But I don’t think that the new (human) models are in the spirit of Classic WoW. Not at all.
There is, it’s a toggle in the menu. The end again!
agree with OP 100%. none of you are turning your graphics down to 2004 levels. better graphics are better. give us modern upgrades. no new animations, just better
So why are you arguing for cow dung (new models) over chocolate (old models)?
I’ve actually turned more than a few settings to better create the old style and look of the game. Glad they are sticking with the old style. The new styles lost me around cata.
That’s what I thought he was saying at first. I don’t really know what most of the old models look like outside of male human. But they made all human males look like Daniel Day Lewis with even more exaggerated facial features and terrible hair/pineapple facial hair options.
The only “short” (not even that short) hair option makes you look like a Jersey Shore guido. No short flat top option like before.
Things rarely turn out to be a simple toggle. The developers would end up making some sort of compromises to allow the use of the newer models or else they would have done it in Retail to let people their character the way it was. So yeah, it would end up impacting my game playing.
Cool story, brah!
Yea, no. Warts and all fool, changes basically break it for most of us.
The beta patch that went live yesterday removed all the HD model skins and skeletons, btw.
I dunno why it would upset people, if anything Blizz should just make it a toggle. Play with the graphics you want, doesn’t hurt anyone on the other side of your screen. w/e I love the classic graphics but I wouldn’t deny someone the updated character models and crap.
People still comparing generalized visuals and personal visuals. Jeeez.
Will you lose something if he gets a toggleable option to see new graphics? You still can use old models and old settings of visual looks of your precious vanilla. Other people would like to play with what next in an oven. Not your 2004 bullshnits.
OP. There is a full thread dedicated to visuals out here. And believe me people don’t want YOU nor ME to get toggle on new models and VFX/animations/Textures. I already explained to a lot of them my arguments for this options and only two people answered with “valid” points.
1 - Blizzard don’t have time, tech to implement new graphics to full.
2 - they shouldn’t do it cause in general this CAN lead to new-new models and graphic that they COULD make instead of not very good update of an old vanilla models
Which also not really valid at the same time: since they are heavily dependent on blizzard official statement of a technical side of the client and secondly on a future “maybe” which is /meh.
People are just that, they are elitists, dictators and egoists. They don’t care and don’t understand what and why do you want it.
They understand only “it wasn’t in vaneeellaaah” chant that they refer to no other arguments.
Classic includes the charming clownish artwork that Blizzard presented us with in Vanilla. To change any of that art is crass and unnecessary. It is an horrid distortion similar to the trashing of old world art that came with the Cata changes.
If you can’t appreciate the visual aesthetic that came with the old game - including character models and animations - that is just too bad. The original art is an important part of Classic and it shouldn’t be tampered with for any reason whatsoever.
You know, Banana, you continually call our arguments invalid. Well, you aren’t getting what you want in Classic. Our arguments must have been valid enough. Classic should be as close to Vanilla as possible.