why am I not surprised it’s a demon hunter screaming and crying about this.
If you want to play modern WoW with Modern graphics, it’s very easy to log into the modern client. Stop trying to pick and choose changes to make to the game.
The game client is already pretty fat compared to Vanilla @ 9gb. The vanilla game was in the 5-6gb range. Even if it doesn’t change game play, I wouldn’t want the download to be bigger just for the people wanting even more stuff in it.
Its Classic / Vanilla with warts and all and that’s how we like it
This will give people who never got the chance to play it
as it was back in the day.
If it was a museum piece it wouldn’t be designed for use.
The reason museums exist is to keep things preserved in isolation-- so not the best analogy there I think.
The entire client can be remastered, and I’d love that. There is one critical condition though, and that is there MUST be the original graphics preserved as an OPTION.
Unless you actually buy a CRT and run at 20 FPS and 4:3 720p, you won’t be going back to how it was for the vast majority yourself. Maybe you specifically might, but I assure you the vast majority of NOCHANGES! persons won’t be doing that.
I am also willing to bet after a couple of weeks they’ll ramp up the graphics to max-- because you know it’s a game they’re playing; it isn’t a relic. They’ll click at some point “Oh yes, it just looks prettier but it plays exactly the same.”
An enforced change and an optional change are two very different beasts, and people on your side really need to understand that.
There are museums where you can get hands on with the exhibits, and also museums that have reenactments and working exhibits.
If they want upgraded graphics, fine. It’s not the end of the world. New models is where I draw the line - they are not vanilla models, they are radically different. There’s very little connecting the two.
So basically what you’re saying is Eloraeli is right.
Yeah, a toggle (like in WoD) would be nice, and it wouldn’t affect anyone but the person using it… seems like a no brainer.
Of course, it’s kinda hilarious how everyone who is against it “for being against the classic experience” is perfectly fine with Blizzard removing the ability to bring back Decursive… which actually WAS a part of vanilla.
Any time you see someone saying “No Changes” just realize that they really mean “Only Changes I Like Are Okay”… and ignore them.
I used to think the people who are on the radical end of no changes to be extremely illogical driven by nothing more than fear by things that won’t affect the core game at any rate. I’m still personally fine with things that don’t affect the gameplay. I used to be very progressive with the idea of changes so long as it wasn’t done in a way that’s reflective of late WOTLK and beyond.
However, I decided against that because it’s a cool idea, but legacy truly is supposed to be about preservation and now that people have started talking about adding content and that idea is being taken seriously and even showing popularity…I’m going the opposite direction, quickly. I’m all for things that won’t change the gameplay, but if those changes can potentially lead to Classic+? **** that, CAPITAL F, leave it the **** alone #nochanges.
There should be an option to use updated graphics. Go play on a pserver and look at some of the textures. They’re outdated even for 2004.
To be honest, I like the older graphics of Classic. I haven’t been impressed with Blizzard’s attempt of updating Retail. It’s more cartoony than ever before.
Animations haven’t been all that great either. I’ve been a huge supporter of toggling for Old Graphics in Retail.
It’s another reason to test out Classic. Just to get away from Retail’s “updated” graphics.
It’s quite sad people care so much about only what you will see. Everyone is happy Warcraft 3 is getting new graphics but no we aren’t allowed to have new visuals because reasons.
Also this argument about classic being a museum is quite silly because dare ask for any changes to retail to make it harder and you will get the “go play classic” statement. Classic is either a game for us or for nostalgia. Graphics can be separate from gameplay and only an option in the UI.
I mean I’m all for no changes but a graphics toggle would be quite insignificant and harmless in the grand scheme of things. An optional feature that only affects the look of the game for the individual person that enabled it? Fine.
Besides, we’re all playing on 120hz monitors with juiced up rigs, know all the “optimal” stuff for leveling and class talent builds thanks to ““content creators”” reading a Nostalrius forums post verbatim (which I think will honestly be detrimental to the health of the game long term) will have to deal with streamers and 15 year olds spouting wacky Twitch emotes, BattleNet integration which allows for cross-faction communication, and layering to top it all off. What harm would an OPTIONAL individual graphics toggle be compared to all that?
Thing about WC3 is that people who want to use the original graphics have the option to do just that and play the original and not reforged.
Due to various issues related to animations and textures among other things making a toggle awkward, ugly and functionally difficult to the point of un-feasible they had to choose between the original models and the modern models. They chose the original, as they should have.
Imagine being this upset because someone has a different opinion of the graphics for a 15 year old game remake.
No one is asking for upgrades at the cost of classic being classic. Obviously we wouldn’t have all the new animations but I definitely remember a time in wow where both were accessible. In fact I already use them on private servers and have converted some models myself so it is possible.
Pick one, you can’t have both. The “exact classic” comes with the original graphics and ONLY the content that was originally there. If you update the graphics, you don’t get “exact classic.” You have contradicted yourself.
Pick a position, but only ONE position at a time.
One of the charms of vanilla was the art. Character models and movement are part of that art. To want to change the artwork in the Classic revival because it doesn’t fit your personal esthetic sense is just plain crass.
No changes.
Changing character models is as destructive to the classic art as was Blizzard destroying the beauty of Azeroth for Cata.
When leveling in Retail, I really dislike how bad older gear looks on the newer models. Not sure how much better things would actually be if the new models were used in Classic with everything else being the older stuff. At least all the Classic stuff looks good together.
I think the Classic gear actually looks better on the new models than it does on the old ones.
But I do agree that new models for Classic aren’t a good idea.
Character models were updated in WoD to match the way the rest of the world looked. They were starting to become very noticeably outdated in contrast to the world and newer item models.
I like the newer character models a lot and wish there was a toggle but I feel like it wouldn’t matter much if the item models and world don’t receive an update at the same time. And of course as mentioned before, if you do update the character models you run into the problem of also having to update the animations for the most part.
I’m all for updated visuals while maintaining the classic content and mechanics but at the same time would never want to see it forced on any one. So if they are to do any of this at all, it would almost certainly be a toggle.
For people saying they shouldn’t do it… well if it’s a toggle then it doesn’t effect you at all. You would still see everything in its classic glory if you choose to toggle the updated visuals off, regardless of other’s settings.