The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

I mean, if you have TRP3 and care to look, it’s good for an hour or so worth of laughs as you read through profiles and are just like “wth is wrong with these people?”

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We need stripper poles and more beds and plastic sheets for the beds.

Blizz make it happen


And an ear pulling emote!

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Why does everyone want to pull my ears. I know they are long, but leave them alone!

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Vroom vroom!

Shhh…don’t let the secret out. Then they’ll be even more tempted to stick around in such a horrible place to read the profiles.


So lewd. What would Mrs. Fenny think?

She’d think it’s time to resub so she could join in lol

My personal two cents…

I joined Moon Guard because it was high population. Sure, I checked out Lion’s Pride Inn. Never found it interesting enough to stay. To classify every person there as being part of a “ERP server” is inaccurate, to say the least.

After a couple months there, I actually met the man I married. In trade chat. When I had gone to Goldshire to hang out, I’d get too many people doubting that I was a real woman in real life… My husband and I met because I was determined to prove him wrong when he mentioned that all women have a broken cam/mic. As dorky as this sounds, we’ve been together for almost 6 yrs and married in 2019.

Best decision ever.

Edit: The video I posted? The ERP sequel? He wrote that - as well as several other songs for Sharm.

Wow Fenny… We better not scare the nerds. Better take this to wisps.


More or less what I expected you to say.

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Consistency is key!

lol imagine getting triggered on a video game.


Breaking news: Water is wet.

Not sure if this is the thread for that :laughing:

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This thread is getting out of hand !


How long have you been playing W.o.W? Everyone who played W.o.W. vanilla knew about Moonguard on every server. Moonguard was a thing long before T.B.C. was released.


You’re speaking in hypotheticals. Where’s your proof that it happens.

You’re late to the party Manonais :slight_smile: