The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

lays in deer form on a bed in upper Goldshire inn “Don’t ask…”

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I was mainly with you until this one.

MG is indeed separated from other shards they might share with other RP realms.

I have characters in WrA and Sentinels, and in both, I’ve only seen characters from MG if they are in a group with someone from those realm.

I just went there, Billcawsby is there screaming at the moment. Was not disappointed at all.


thinking in rare farming


I never claimed to be a nice person.

I mean, are you serious, several people in the thread have claimed Blizzard has never done anything about goldshire.

Except it’s not. I remember going to goldshire on Wyrmrest accord after they put it in the patch notes they did it just to see if I could still see the moonguard goldshire.

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It’s a nearly full server, there’s better places to rare farm.

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Yes you are.

No they don’t. In over a decade they don’t give a crap. Private chat is not monitored. Reports are, open chat is.

Wrong. Sharding exists on RP servers, but with a much higher threshold and it’s mostly in new expansion zones. They will absolutely shard Stormwind if it gets to be too high, this was stipulated when they first removed most of the sharding from RP servers.

And you can absolutely invite someone from my server to a group on MG and end up in MG zones. I’ve done it loads of times for RP.

Yes it is. Read above.

Yup, this. Also many people who hang out in GS are people from other servers who roll alts, we just call them tourists lol People who actually roleplay have commented more than once about how GS just functions as a “quarantine” place to keep all that nonsense contained in one place instead of spreading into areas where actual roleplay takes place.

Many people also go there just to hang out outside, duel, show off mounts etc. There are almost always Horde showing up so you’ll see them attack NPCs frequently too, turning into a PvP chase game between factions lol

Having that said, I don’t think anyone needs to roll an alt as OP says. I am certain no one doubts that GS is an outrageous place to be.


Read what? You going “Not uh”. That’s not disproving what I said, that’s just you saying it’s wrong. I don’t remember when exactly, but I do remember blizzard making a point of putting it in the patch notes, that they were separating moonguard goldshire off so other servers couldn’t shard into it.

Did you miss this or you’ve ignored it on purpose?

And you do know not all shards affect every area, yes?

Y’all seriously ignoring the mention of groups on my post on purpose?

I’m genuinely curious as to what you think that post meant :laughing:

“Thinking in rare farming” meant: Midare says MG is separated from other shards, so maybe that means I’ll have a better chance at rare spawns in the world

Can I ask why you feel stuck over Goldshire? I’m on MG too and I know for a fact that you don’t ever have to go in there if you want to, especially now that you can level wherever. You can even skip the quests and go straight to Westfall or any other place - and if you really want to do Elwynn, which I usually do on humans because it’s fast, you can just run in and out of that inn to grab quests. The zone takes like 20 minutes to do and all you ever see is a bunch of people standing around, talking in whispers.


Outrageous, yes. A sexual harassment issue, no.

Way to ignore what I said to further your false narrative. I’ll quote it again so you can’t ignore me.

Now you want to try that again or are you going to continue to act ignorant?

I don’t know what this means, but I’ve specifically been invited to MG groups that are in Goldshire. They don’t leave people out if you’re grouped. You are sharded into the shard that your group members are in when you join the group, regardless of server type.

And regardless… they didn’t take out sharding from RP servers because of this bs excuse that is completely and entirely wrong, which is what I’ve been talking about this whole time concerning sharding:

That right there? :point_up: That is a load of crap, because it was used as an excuse as to why “Goldshire is a problem.”

Just because over a decade ago they personally went through to police open chat (like they’ve done so many other times in the past with so many other situations when they used to be in game) doesn’t mean that Goldshire is a sexual harassment issue. They policed chat that was against the rules in open chat and took care of reports, like they still do.

Goldshire is not a sexual harassment issue. Period.

Now I’m muting this thread, because the ignorance and stupidity is just astounding from some of these comments.

If you are that triggered by the lion’s pride inn on moon guard then turn on war mode and I guarantee you that inn and the rest of goldshire will be empty every time you need to pass by there.


Now you want to continue to act like I said you can’t shard into moonguard at all? Or do you want to pay attention to the fact that I specifically said Moonguard Goldshire.

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ERP! Fun for you and fun for me!

I avoid Goldshire.


I agree - and with low level alts who can’t turn on WM yet, you can just set time back to Cata since that puts you out of current expansion. I do this anyway so that I can queue into old dungeons when leveling- and you see no one in GS that way. It’s just not really an issue if the issue is just wanting to avoid seeing it.

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It’s just the Emerald moist dream, let it be contained there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


The age recomendation for WoW is 12 and up. But Goldshire on moon guard is at best a strip club and at worse, a sex dungeon.

ESRB doesn’t rate online games. there is no way to predict what you’ll hear and see online

But then they can’t share their horror story of visiting the inn and how “awful” it is.