The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

If you think that’s a good thing, you should really read the article I posted.

Child molesters need to buried under the prison. But if your going to allow the state to be in the business of burying people under a prison you need to be very careful about letting people do things like redefine murder as giving someone a paper cut with /e in a virtual world or redefining sexual harassment to include an imaginary gnome whistling at an imaginary elf.

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The funny thing is…I don’t think a lot of people commenting have even been to MG… if you don’t have an addon for it or are generally in trade chat at the wrong time, the most you’ll see is people standing around… RP outside of the inn is basically Shakespeare in the park or Victorian era soap opera type stuff…


Who told you that lie?

Is it though?

You are lying. Nobody does that in GS, and if they do then those are trolls. If you do anything in the public space you get reported quicker than anywhere else in game. Don’t try to make up false claims please. The only people to even talk in /s are usually trolls trying to bait people.

The only known person to openly accost people on the regular is the person who’s name starts with an R who ALWAYS whispers ANY Draenei ‘‘Do Draenei swallow cats whole?’’. Some say she’s a girl living in an assisted home while being on the spectrum.

None of this happens. Only tourists or trolls openly harass people without a profile. People need to know what they are talking about before making baseless claims. :joy:

I have seen enough low level players go into the inn, get their quest and go out again.

Also this. I feel like most people, including OP, are just going off of what they heard. They expect sin city but all they get is the equivalent of an adult club you can’t enter without the secret password and device when it comes to GS.


It’s not a lie though. Brand new players making their first character are automatically thrown into Exile’s Reach. After that they MUST complete the entire BfA campaign before having the option to level any other way. If you do that on Moonguard, well by then you know to stay away from GS.


Everything was ok in WoW gameplay until a couple months ago when the lawsuit hit. That was the door opening for the cancel culture and woke crowd to complain about EVERYTHING and try to cancel the game itself. And when you guys do that, you will find the next thing to move on to and will have forgot about this.


Uh… the lawsuit only hit last month. At most it has only been a couple of weeks.

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They should rename the Moon Guard Inn to the “Cosby Inn”.

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whatever, semantics

Free the ta-ta’s!!!

I wish Moon Guard was 18+ only realm tho.

There are worse things going on in WoW and the world then some toons in their undies dancing in that inn nestled in that dark forest. js.

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“maw stuff”

is that what the kids call it these days?

And not at all. I like Zack.

Mailbox dancing in Ironforge bought me my first mount.

My body. My choice.

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The entire realm of Moon Guard is into that sort of thing. I’ve been in max lvl guilds and after raids some members would flock to Goldshire and openly state how they’re fishing for love

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I really can’t take some posters serious!

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Because harassment is something done to you without your consent and typing /dance while on a table isn’t?


oh yeah totally lets base all our arguments on ifs and maybes ooo yeah big problem internet avatars ooo.

lets forget about parenting and GMs that exist while we’re at it

Okay? So clean up the public stuff. Which is what I’ve been saying the whole time.
I don’t have a single problem with that.

Fact of the matter is that it’s a rare occurrence for people to be doing it publicly. Character positioning? Yeah sure. The actual text? No.

Agreed; I’m guessing Goldshire became the default hotspot because people could roll a fresh lvl one and ERP about as anonymous as possible. Find some way to purge Goldshre and Stormwind is next in line. The city would become a blend of Sodem & Gamorrah and ruin normal RP for everybody. If you approve or not of ERP, best to keep it where it is.

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