The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

The esrb doesn’t and has never rated online interactions. The only thing it’s ever rated is the game itself.

Not unless Blizzard pays for me to move all my toons. Then. I’d go.

7 50-60’s, 4 40+s, an 8 tab bank guild, full of crafting mats…

No it’s not.

Real people have to to deal with this real problem from real predators like Harvey Wienstien.

And when people insist on moving the goal posts like this you just make it harder for real victims because now everyone has to ask, did real sexual harassment happen or did an imaginary gnome whistle at an imaginary elf.


are you not able to leave goldshire? that sounds like a bug. i would recommend putting in a ticket.


Well then I wish you the best of luck in waiting for someone else to solve your problems for you. You could easily just move your toons away from GS and it wouldn’t cost you a thing, but hey. You do you :slight_smile:

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No, please… Keep trying to argue me down and anger me. I know exactly how many replies and views it takes for a certain senior reporter at Kotaku to see what all the fuss is about and write an article. :joy_cat:

And you’ve been adding to it quite beautifully. /ty

New character with no post, controversial topic with an incredibly simple solution, keeps repeating themselves. Nice bait mate. But sunday is tomorrow.


And some state laws vary greatly RIGHT. THERE. :slight_smile:

That’s not my intention whatsoever and if I did? Well. Oops? :woman_shrugging: I’m sorry you’re angry that I don’t agree someone else should take responsibility to fix something you could easily do with literally zero effort.

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Not a new character by any stretch of the immagination, but I 'ppreciate your input. lol

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Or, I could try to make Blizz be somewhat accountable to their own COC / EULA.

Oh, sunshine. lol Don’t flatter yourself. I’m not the least bit angry, which I said originally. Keep trying, remember?

Not sure what you’re getting at.

These things are always for the right cause in the beginning.

But usually it turns out that when you take rights away from one person you take them from everyone.


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Blank armory with no portrait. For all intents and purposes, it is a new toon. Probably created in legion when demon hunter was released and scaled down to 40 with SL and never played since. And today you were looking for a blank to troll with. And it worked, grats.


In the state I live in having a conversation of a sexual nature on the internet with a minor, even unknowngly of their age, falls under stalking laws.

What if the recipient lied?

I don’t think erp has any place in the game at all and should be addressed.

Lets look at at both arguments. We know moongaurd goldshire is a scary place and should be avoided correct? Just don’t join in or say no or in some cases /ignore the scary erp weirdo.

I don’t really think its fair that a player needs to know the scary place is a starting area. I don’t think its fair that a player must deal with with these weirdos advances and on the off chance its a brand new player that had no idea and could even be a kid that went to goldshire for their first quests well how does that make things look for the rest of the game

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Get at least a decent lawyer? Because if the DA is up for re-election he can nail you to the wall.

Please let’s not kid ourselves. 99.9% of those going in Goldshire moonguard nowadays are people erping or curious about it. New players can’t even go there, they gotta go in exiles reach.


Is it true that gay marriage is also not legal in some states yet?