The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

Probably not because setting off distracting toys and the Hallows end event doesn’t even phase anyone.

I can say that the SL prepatch event with the zombies was highly effective. It was a ghost town the entire time I am pretty sure. Dancers would try to rezz and start dancing, just to be immediately killed. There were raids almost around the clock with people who organized to keep the zombie infestation going. A few stragglers were sitting in the air on flying mounts outside, but inside was completely empty except for the bones and bodies that piled up, and the zombies of course.

On the flip side, some have claimed that just standing on a dancer or trying to impede their “RP” (like placing a statue on the table) has allegedly resulted in action against the player messing with them if reported, so results may vary.

The only issue I have is dancers trading nudes for gold in their RP profiles, which is definitely a problem.

You sound like an incel OP, who hurt you?

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Fair enough. Fake news. Suppose I should have said that water makes things wet.

Not wrong. This is still before TBC launched. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah I was kind of amazed at this tbh. When I started playing there was only 2 NA datacenters. When they announced the split people thought that they might put Balmung and Mateus into different datacenters since they were both high pop servers.

Did you report them?

This is true. All new accounts have to start in Exile’s reach and then get shipped off to BFA, no exceptions.

It’s not a lie. Go make a new account and see what happens.


We did fight along with Mawsworn in Perdition Hold before 9.1

So, yea. I think that qualifies.

If you are serious about this complaint, which I’m not sure about, wait until just before the next expansion and post a screen snippet/save of chat from there to any site that reviews or links to WOW purchases. That’s when WOW most cares about their image.

It’s honestly quite simple, if you’re offended by what’s going on in goldshire on moon guard server stay off of it
It’s obviously a popular place and people enjoy it… Leave it at that.
It’s not up to you to tell everybody else how they’re supposed to enjoy this game. If somebody wants to pick flowers all day for the rest of their life? good for them, if somebody wants to stand around in goldshire all day and be weird? good for them. Mind your own business, how about that? Ever think of that? Let other people play the game they way they want to play the game.
Unless you’re going to start paying for everybody else’s subscription mind your own business.


I wasn’t doubting

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Never gonna happen. Karens gonna Karen.


Yep…still needed to be said though

NO. The OP did not say anything like that. I said that ERP in Goldshire on Moon Guard is a problem because it is not private as some people claim it is. It is often done in emotes and /say up to and including highly graphic descriptions of rape.

You would think with the current problems WoW is experiencing with the lawsuit involving real life sexual harrassment they’d at least do something about it in game to try to bring back some of the players they have been losing because of this.

When I was like 14 I used to roleplay with people online and oftentimes it became sexual in nature. To this day I think back to this and how those people may have been adults. Grown human beings should be able to recognize what spaces have children, and then have the willpower to control themselves.

This is sort of a time and place sort of scenario.

We definitely don’t make a habit of visiting there. The true RPers avoid it.

However, it actually has some good PvP; that’s what I do there since Orgrimmar gate battles died long ago.

Also, super necro!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: