The Goldshire - Moon Guard Problem.. even now

[quote=“Sueko-wyrmrest-accord, post:286, topic:1060115, full:true”]
How in the world did you draw that conclusion? You reached so far into the void to pull that out of nowhere it’s comical now :joy:

[/quote]You missed my reply to someone. Sylinde. Who said you onlky get approached if you have the right tools and jargon in your profile. Wait till it gets unflagged.

The main post got flagged and unflagged by GMs yesterday too.

This is a rather inaccurate assumption on the FF14 RP Community. First off, the vast majority of ERPers on the RP Datacenter are indeed contained, they are contained to Balmung and mostly to the Quicksands. While there are brothels and stripclubs those are easily avoided by… well… not going to them. Secondly, the prevalence of Brothel RP FCs is far more concentrated on the two datacenters that do not contain the RP community. Primal and Aether have far more than Crystal does, and in fact Leviathan was one of the servers covered by their sheer number of brothels in an article. Ironically Leviathan is a predominately raider server. Hells Hyperion is just as bad, and again that is not a server claimed for use by the RP community who has centered itself purely on the Crystal Datacenter.

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Moon Guard was opened up around TBC. It also didn’t have its ERP issue until about just before Wrath. I leveled a character on the server to raid with a really chill guild that was best on the server but still hadn’t cleared Tier 5 when Sunwell was out because I had some friends from Illidan roll toons over there to play Alliance and it was a fresh server.

The ERP issue on that server wasn’t what you know it now as back then. Back then it was a known thing to occur on RP servers here and there that nobody really cared about. Silver Hand used to be a really problematic server with this, in a way back during the RP community days it was the original Moon Guard and even that had like maybe 20 people who engaged in that but did so in Stormwind. An infamous area was in the Dwarven District where there was a house that led to a back alley with a house. Was not uncommon to find the same people there, namely a night elf named I believe Tanzan was a regular that everyone on the server knew about. There were a handful of guilds about that sort of thing on the server, a couple got banned. It didn’t really become as it is now until that one news article got posted in very early Wrath, that came about as a response to a guild being banned and players being very outraged and voicing their problems and drawing light to what was happening.

After that happened, yeah it spiraled well out of control.

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I love moonguard. It’s the only active server left. Other than the forums. Cry about it all you want, it’s not going anywhere lol.


Fact of the matter is you’re complaining about something that you have 100% complete control over to fix. And no, don’t bother with the false equivalencies trying to compare it to RL situations because it’s a game where, if you AVOID THE PROBLEM AREA, it ceases to exist in your reality. You are the master of your destiny in this situation and I foresee great victories in your future! YOU CAN DO IT! JUST SAY NO! THE POWER IS YOURS, CAPTAIN PLANET!

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It may be a moot point now that the Invrestors have filed suit against Acti-Blizz… The gamne itself might not survive the fallout.

Honestly I’ve heard much more nasty and sexual related talk in bad LFR groups infested with tryhards than I’ve seen in Goldshire.

At least some of the filth in Goldshire is private chat.


As I have said before… (Note to self : Just make a copy /paste of this) I have 7 lvl 50-60’s there as well as a 8 tab bank guild that I’m not going to pay Blizz more money to move because they won’t fix a problem that violates their own conduct codes.

LMAO so you’re just going to complain about it instead of log in, hop on a flying mount, and leave? Seriously? :joy: this is what’s affectionately called a “you problem”.

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Was in there last night, was not dissapointed

You can literally get accosted just walking through GS to go to the Fair. I’ve seen people raped in /emotes. Not private. Not whispers. And people talking in /say about moving a Dreanei female’s tail aside to get to her… we’ll say rectum, ok?

Very graphic. Very crude. Not at all private. Yeah. That’s a problem for me. The fact that it is not a problem for you makes me think your moral dipstick is about 2 drops away from ‘Bone Dry’…

It is when you have all the tools to fix it for yourself! Or are you “advocating on behalf of the community”? Because if it’s the latter? Good f-in’ luck there! This place just loves it when randoms speak for them :slight_smile:

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HELL YAS kween!

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Did I say I was speaking for the community? At no point did I say that.

What my point is, since it seems to be going over your head, is that I can’t take Blizzard serious on their attempts to end sexual harrassment of women when it’s OK in their game as much as it was OK in their offices.

Naw, that’s just a gnome with a rainbow flying out it’s caboose.

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The leave? Again. All the tools to fix your own problem.

Also to highlight that whole false equivalency I mentioned before, governing conduct in the game is both not the same and far more difficult than office policy. Soooo. Stop trying to compare them.


Better that I leave than point out to Blizz their lack of enforcing their own COC and EULA, which says we are all supposed to feel safe?

If you can’t handle the pace with which they’re able to respond to tickets, when I’d wager (granted: assuming) the majority of conduct in GS doesn’t ever get reported anyway? Then yes. Or, as suggested, you can LEAVE GS, never go back, and there you go. Solved.

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It does…


Then yes! The answer is to leave. It’s not brain surgery.

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