The GOGOGOGO mentality from mythic having a timer has lead to wow brainrot


Can confirm, M0 this week has been single pack pulls by tanks. It is currently suicide to do otherwise.

This is why more and more people stop doing group content. The toxicity that M+ community has created is terrible.


You and I have different experiences then.

WCC is a joke LOL

Gogogo has nothing to do with game design.

If you’re capable of doing something faster in just about anything without making any mistakes, most normal people are going to do it faster.

I’m pretty sure the Timed Strat Run was first, but I could be wrong.

It was actually the Baron run that came first in Classic WoW for the tier.5 upgrade.

Yea that’s the one I meant. That was Undead Stratholme, right? I remember those… took forever to get em for my warrior!

If CC ever comes back to LFD people will lose there minds. Cause the gogogogogogogogogogogo training will contradict to the slow down you are going too fast mechanics.

The chase the tank and locking people out of boss fights was never a thing 15 years ago.

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the only issue to discuss is blizzard intentionally hamstringing the playerbase with only having heroics unlocked the first 2 weeks. these difficulties are intentionally a joke for the casual player base to play in…

“mythic” started in mists of pandaria… as a way to show you can do it fast… now. its taken to the extreme… and gear is locked behind it… make it cosmetic only… and then there will be less complaints about mythic


The gogogo mentality began in Wrath. Pandaria was after Wrath

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Even classic side we have this. Had it since it started.

From “Og’s” who say they never played retail. beyond maybe quiting mop.

I don’t even ask if we will skip mind control boss in thrones or beauty in BRC. I jsut see what the tanks does. Ah…they’ve gone left. Its a skip, roll with it.

Also seen in our runics. SOme og’s came to like mythic knockoff. As yeah, they made some dungeons in wrath actually interesting.

the way our game it setup we can’t see these after level 82? (think 82). So on more non rush levelers I take these from RFD for 80 to 81.

Its less xp, the gear is not that good compared to even normal cata runs.

But its fun. I know 30 more runs of BRC await me. I make 80 to 81 fun at least in wrath runic lol.


My reasoning is pretty simple. The moment you put a timer on it, it instantly becomes more stressful even if it’s not difficult.

my dude, you need to get that boulder off your shoulder.

tanks doing the dungeon fast is not toxic, selfish, inconsiderate or abusive.

If a tank doesn’t pull fast you know what will happen? someone else will pull faster for him.

so take your “tanks are the boogeyman and source of all evil” and stick it.

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People that have fond memories of CC are extremely weird.

Oh wow you neutered a pack and are now DPSing down 1 mob at a time who is 0 threat.

So exciting.

Not gonna lie, this made me :rofl:


And people are saying to “git gud” :roll_eyes:

Clearly there is a lack of taunt, LOS, readable visuals and enough ccs/stuns to burn through multiple packs of mobs at once. The only ones who need to gitgud are the tanks pulling. This will hopefully blacklist and weed out the bad tanks who came in with a Remix mentality.

1,000% agree.

It is a bad vibe—save it for when there is a timer on the screen, the rest of the time these dudes need to chiiiiill

I blame Pandaria remix, for as much as I loved that event.