The GOGOGOGO mentality from mythic having a timer has lead to wow brainrot

Old school player here, been tanking since vanilla. Took some time off from end of Pandaria to mid Dragonflight because of IRL. And wow… The amount of toxic mentality that is prevalent in pugs because of mythic training people to GOGOGOGO is horrendous. The dungeon queue too, to a lesser extent, because people now feel entitled to their “quick dungeons” and don’t have to go through the process of getting a group together in main chat.

But man. Y’all not passing the vibe check.


You’re not wrong. I think it’s also the content itself because it allows people to play that way.


I was in a dungeon yesterday. The stonevault. First tank was typically making yuge pulls. He quit the dungeon after his piece didnt drop from the second boss.

A new tank came in, a warrior, and he pulled small, and i was like wtf i can actually see the mechanics. The totems that should be killed first. It was amazing, i didnt have to look through 20 enemies to find them. We destroyed the mobs much easier and cleanly.

Im convinced that there’s a lot of bad mythic players.


I miss the days in BC of slow, friendly heroic dungeons with random people from chat.

I don’t even do dungeons anymore, haven’t enjoyed them since BFA.


This is entirely Blizzards fault for forcing players of different skill levels into content that is too easy for us. Once mythic+ opens the types of players who prefer speed and chill will separate more and things should mellow out.


The go go go mentality birthed M+, not the other way around


Gogogogogogo was invented with the introduction of LFD but go off about whatever glory you never had


I remember tanking in wrath and people complaining my pulls were too small and slow tf you talking about man


First off. Welcome back!

Dungeons have gone from one of the most enjoyable parts of WOW to one of the most UNenjoyable. Tanks pulling wall to wall for their own selfish, inconsiderate toxic reasons, which is not to go faster because making common sense proximity pulls and waiting an extra 5 to 10 seconds for everyone to be loaded in is negligible on the end time if not faster in a random normal, heroic or 0 to 6 mythic dungeon run, where the majority of players play, and also do not communicate as much as a /hello.

I enjoy Delves, but I play WOW because it is an MMORPG. I don’t have the time for a raid schedule or a mythic team, so I rely on the finder to queue for heroics, mythics, and raids. The development alone of allowing 1 player so much power over other players involved in a group environment is very short-sided.

We have gates and a start timer before random battlegrounds, why can’t we have gates and a start timer for random heroic and timewalking dungeons? Why can’t we have a system in Raid Finder that will prevent 1 player from engaging the boss and wiping the raid or killing off players intentionally? Why do these systems allow selfish, toxic, and inconsiderate abusive behavior when this is an MMORPG? It’s not much of an ask for a dungeon model to exist that would prevent 1 player from ruining the enjoyment of 4 others. You wouldn’t see this behavior in a +10 so why does it happen in a +2? It shouldn’t be allowed, it’s a horrible experience and it shouldn’t be.


Have to agree. In WotLK I remember speed running dungeons as a tank, and with communication. Both pre- and post-dungeon finder. In both original WotLK and WotLK Classic.

Get the right groups and play properly.

That mentality existed long before M+ was ever considered. Back in wrath when they added daily rewards to LFD people would do their daily dungeon as quickly as possible just to get it out of the way.

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Doing the dungeon in the quickest way possible has always been a part of the game, even in vanilla.

Remember skipping packs of mobs? What do you think the purpose of that was?

The pace may have changed, but the goal is the same: gimme loot now, not later.

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i like that better than having to cc 2-3 mobs every big pull and spending an hour in a dungeon

maybe theres a good middle-ground somewhere in there idk

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It’s because the dungeons are joke difficulty and so they are treated as such.


Nothing even close to what has transpired over the last several expansions. But you are correct people tried to go faster starting in WotLK but I can’t remember one wall-to-wall entire wing pull. I also can’t remember players starting the dungeon before all players were logged in. The amount of selfish, toxic, inconsiderate abusive pulling behavior is off the charts compared to WotLK and it continues to get worse and worse. M+ did add to it because players watch the MDI and see those pulls but don’t seem to realize that the other 4 players in a random group at the normal, heroic, and 0 to 6 M+ dungeon level did not watch what they watched. Also, the MDI pulls require team practice and communication. Both of which are not bedrock philosophies in a PUG.


People have been gogogoing for years, in late tbc or wrath

Don’t blame m+ for that lol

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Since it’s a “joke” and you are on the WCC.

Are you discussing this with the WCC to address the problem? Also, are all dungeons up to about a +6 a “joke”? Because this type of toxic, selfish, inconsiderate, and abusive pulling behavior happens from normals up to about a +6.

You do realize there is a large part of the community that is sick and tired of comments like yours that suggests that since it’s a lower difficulty it’s perfectly fine for 1 player to ruin the other 4 players’ experience with their selfish, toxic, inconsiderate behavior?

Honestly, if I was on the council based on your post alone I would call for a vote to have you removed.


That’s the thing, I don’t even bother queueing anymore, just zone in on heroic and solo the first boss. Zone out, reset, repeat. Why bother with a party for soloable content. :man_shrugging:

Someone didn’t play Wrath. Speed running long predates M+ and is present in games without any kind of M+ game mode.

Both of these things have been done before M+, Wrath dungeons were easy and frequently pulled all the trash and boss together when the dungeon allowed. And as soon as the tank loaded into the dungeon he was moving whether the healer and dps were ready or not. So again, this is nothing new.