The GOGOGOGO mentality from mythic having a timer has lead to wow brainrot

last night I had a tank doing big pulls in Cinderbrew Meadery that was getting everyone killed every pull.

Was like, dude, take a freaking hint that you’re pulling waaaaay too much.


this is one of my top favorite comments ever on these forums


Doesnt help dps try to force alot of mechanics on healers, thats one reason why fewer healers are around nowadays

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I wanted to try learning how to heal in WoW this expansion. Healing is my main in FFXIV.

After 3 dungeons, I no longer have a desire to try and heal.


I agree! The first 10+ years I LOVED to do dungeons with random PUG groups! Sometimes I even stoped the experience gain on a character just to prolong the fun. Then, something changed and the go Go GO!!! crowd ruined that whole part of the game experience for me. I’ve seen soooo much player toxicity that it makes me sick because I remember just how great the game use to be - friendly, cooperative, and welcoming - none of those adjectives apply to my game experience now :frowning_face:

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Gogogogogo was there long before m+

You’ve been tanking for 20 years but can’t keep a group moving at a steady pace. Kewl.

Going as fast as possible has never not been a thing for competent players.

You’re probably right but I think the mechanics of M+ exasperated that behavior, which has carries over into un-timed dungeon content.

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This is exactly what I was predicting back at the start of df lol.
Rush rush rush rush = too many mobs getting casts off because a party can only have so many interrupts and it’s impossible to do anything when you are getting chain feared by the 435 enemies the tank pulled, half of which cast a fear that needs to be interrupted but the tank is too far off not holding threat so half the…sigh its just a mess and it is absolutely the most unfun way to do a dungeon that I could imagine.


nothing has changed about untimed content. it’s been like this since at least wrath

and the difference is massive. In wrath, if you pulled too much you just wiped everybody…no doubt. But now the tank is virtually indestructible and in turn just causes a chain of people constantly walking back because you just come back to the entrance or a checkpoint instead of having to walk back from half a zone over because you can’t fly in spirit form for some reason…
no healer can keep up with 50 puddles and fears and stuns and silences and bombs and fire and and and and…

There is a reason why it’s just better to slow down a bit.


Its like in that moment. I was playing a wow dungeon again.

Dont worry mate starting today and even more next week. You will most likely not see any more gogogo tanks.

All of us well be doing m0 tonight and m+ next week.

I’m happy to say that you and the rest of your like minded friends are going to be quite happy to have your special playground free of us savages.

Good luck.

LOLOLOLOL I literally was running M+15 and up all last season and no rushing was needed.

ITs just a thing people with no skill do to hide their lack thereof. Half the time they are running around not even holding threat and mobs are scattered all over doing random casts, attacking the healer randomly and never stopping because the tanks can’t taunt because they are too busy running and not paying attention to literally anything.

So no, you will have to slow down the second you get into M+, just like people always have to do.
And don’t bring up that disingenous argument about “well hur dur some groups are bumrushing M+20.”
First, not you.
Second, not me.
Third, probably nobody on the forums.


Shrug I only play mplus to get gear for raiding. I’ll eventually push to 3k and quit. So I dunno who you’re trying to rile up but good luck. And yes every season well crawl to +8 and now well crawl to +10 without fail. On the first week because that’s all I need.

Yeah, I don’t pug anything because of the run/run/run thing. These folks kill stuff and if you get killed, well, OH WELL, sad to be you.

In Remix I dared sign up for a dungeon and there were three of the 5 of us doing the quest from the start of Stormstout Brewery. The other two, a tank and a dps, ran so far ahead that we got locked out of the rest of the dungeon after the first room.

So, I don’t pug, that one was the first try at it since Draenor and I won’t do it again, for sure. I LOVE follower dungeons for that reason. I CAN share it with someone if I want, or I can take the NPCs and wreck the dungeon at my own pace. I’m a wee bit OCD and killing EVERYTHING in a dungeon (or delve) and clearing it for treasures. It takes time, but honestly, I have nothing better to do so why not?


This is NOT Blizzard’s fault. Those of “you” who prefer speed runs do not have to que for the non-M+ content. If you choose to do so, then YOU are the ones responsible for the toxic atmosphere. If the content is “too easy”, DON’T DO IT!!! It is as simple as that. Blizzard does not control the attitude of the players.

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I don’t understand big pull mentality. It’s quicker to do normal smaller pulls instead of aoe pulls. And less likely someone will die.


Can say the exact same thing about you slow folks.

Right back at ya bud.

We would love to not do it, but like I said anyone who plays this game seriously is forced to, and so we’re right back where we are blaming blizzard for time gating the content we want to be in.