The GOGOGOGO mentality from mythic having a timer has lead to wow brainrot

Moving slowing in a dungeon so you can check weather patterns, paint the barn and answer 30 phone calls isn’t my problem.

Not what anybody is asking for and I think you know that but want to fuel the fire instead of help the situation.


mythic+ should have always been a death count until you fail rather than a timer.


If it was id actually do m+, i hate timers, dont know why just do

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crazy, same thing happened here. I die a lot less as melee when I can see my toon. OK not a lot less, but less. No. Not even less. I die a lot all the times.

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Middle ground: Common sense proximity-based pulls. The time difference is negligible and in some cases faster to make 3 pulls of 12 mobs or 3-4 packs from one room instead of running through 3 rooms body pulling 36 mobs around a corner or into the boss. It’s also selfish, toxic, and abusive inconsiderate behavior by the puller to do the latter.


Your first mistake is thinking this gives you any authority at all to speak on the matter.

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If only we had a living example of how it goes in WotLK Classic recently.
Where you waited for no one normal heroic or gamma.

GOGOGOGO has been around for a lot longer than M+ or timers

“Back in my day grumble grumble… gat dang whipper snappers… etc…”

Back in CLASSIC I once spent SEVEN WEEKS in the Wailing Caverns! And we liked it that way!


this made me laugh.

I used to love packing a lunch, kissing the wife goodbye and then going to the Sunken Temple for an 8 hour shift.


Unfortunetly this never happens. We just end up with more people doing it because for some reason they still drop down to run these dungeons.

Also, I get that Mythic is higher tier and gets hard, but just because you don’t run those doesn’t mean you suck. It’s just a different type of gameplay, and that is the real problem. Mythics should just be much harder heroics, not a speed run total different type of game. That is what screws things up so bad.

If it was just a higher skill tier without the speed it wouldn’t mess things up as bad. I would love to see a slower mythic pace that was more like old school dungeons that required cc’s and stuff. Not because I would dive in, but because it wouldn’t be so jarring to play with that play style in normal/heroic dungeons.


While we’ve always had these kind of GOGOGOGOGO players in the game it has gotten worse over the years. I don’t think M+ is entirely to blame. I think it has just accelerated where we are heading.

We’re at a point where these peoples favourite dungeons are likely city of echoes. Not because it’s engaging or fun but for its speed and simplicity. They want a hallway they can blitz through for that lootbox at the end.


My ideal tank is Sonic the Hedgehog.

And I’m like Amy, just sorta there but everyone likes me.

Actually, I would argue the creation of Zul’Aman and the timer race for the bear mount lead ultimately to the creation of Mythic+. At the time, it being the only thing of its kind, it made a lot of players try super hard to get the mount, and since it was a race against a timer, it made for risky mob pulls, and the push-push-push mentality. Then, the reduction of the need for larger raid sizes reducing them to 10 man, which lead to people wanting gear on the same level at 25 man, which then lead to multi-stream “end-game gearing” is how we got here. All these factors lead to Mythic +, but ZA is what they built upon.

The only reason Zul’Aman is not looked at in the same light as Mythic + is that you played with only people on your server, and more likely your realm or maybe friends of friends (still on your realm), but this meant you had to be social, and have reasonable behaviour because you couldn’t run away into the endless aether of people like some people believe they can now.


idk if this is the thread I already responded to, but I’m having more fun in Classic than TWW right now, especially since the only thing to do last week was Delves and blizzard deleted a bunch of my Brann xp lol

If you’re about Classic, those servers are pretty close to what you might remember- the community is close to a 1to1 facsimile, and you already know what to expect from the content.

It feels weird to bemoan something that has been a part of the game longer then it hasn’t.

Even classic had timers for dungeons.

With how they implemented follower dungeon, I would never to do a dungeon again

We do speed runs in classic. Where would they go? If you cant beat them, join them. Adapt and be like everyone… GOGOGO faceroll trivial content.

BTW, M+ is not necessarily GOGOGO especially at higher keys. Each death is a timer penalty. Wipes has huge timer penalties. Most M+ failures are from GOGOGO mentality of noobs. Timer is so relaxed on lower M+.