The Glad Mount is being gatekept behind 3s Rating and it's not fair

Make new ones if yours dont want to.

Anywhere you meet pvp players. Durotar. Elwynn. Skirms. RSS. Guilds. Trade chat. Battlegrounds.

Meeting new players involves actually trying to do something and putting yourself out there. Not sitting on your mount staring at a tool hoping it does the work for you.

Lfg is tinder. Youve got a bad profile. Does that mean youll never find people to be around? Get over yourself and talk to people lol.


when did they disable 3v3 queues? whats stopping you from “trying” for it?


Season is poppin’, it’s just that everybody is in shuffle.

I can’t LFG is dead and no one will take you without XP.

Agreed, season is poppin.

Conq boxes and/or spoils of war when? :dracthyr_love_animated:

And yet without rss you would still be a rival

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Dont use lfg then. Go meet people ingame.

Also post a lfg thread on these forums. Be realistic and commit to your goals.

Youre the only one preventing you from getting glad rn.


soloq shouldn’t even be in the game rofl


WAAAAAA WAAA WAA so tired of you people whining

Gladiator meaning something again is good for the game. Love ladder deflation so you’re all at the placement MMR you belong in.

You weren’t getting it anyway bud no reason to worry move along.

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Well good thing we live in reality and i’m Elite.

Where man? LFG is dead, I can’t whisper people in Shuffle cause it keeps giving a “This player doesn’t exist” and most people don’t even bother maintaining contact with you after adding you.

It’s a dying game with an even smaller niche, it’s very hard to find people as someone who doesn’t have high XP.

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Do you have ADHD or something cause thats a two way street. Hit them up. I ask because i have ADHD and one of the things i learned was it inhibits the need / desire to reach out first. Like object permanence but with friends.

The bottom line is putting yourself out there. Partners wont come to you that hust isnt how it works.


PvP would be dead without Shuffle, i’m glad people like you have zero opinions that matter to Blizzard.

They need to stop catering PvP to the last remaining 10 people that queue into that dead game mode.

Nah clearly Blizzard is reading forum feedback, makes no financial sense to cater to the minority when the majority play Shuffle.

Bro I do hit them up but sometimes I get no reply or our schedules don’t match.

It’s tough to get together 3 people with the same schedule to make meaningful pushes when the ladder is so deflated and the only people queuing are those who’ve already been at it for years, they have zero competition, they just play the same meta into the same players year after year.

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Yeah it is tough. Im not saying it isnt but you just gotta grind it.

How many 3s games you have this season?

Zero because every time I try to queue I waste an hour in LFG trying to play with people who decline me due to not being the right spec/class for a meta comp or because I don’t have XP.

I even tried to go onto the subreddit which is bigger than the forum to ask if people wanted to play and the post just died with 1 upvote.

People just have zero interest in trying to keep the bracket alive but spend all their defending it on the forums.

Hypothetically if you had no bnet friends or XP on a new account, you would NOT be able to push glad this season.

Rogues don’t need buffs… lol…

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Hate to break it to you but Blizzard knew soloq was a bad idea too but the playerbase kept pushing for it.
Even on big P servers back in the day once soloq was added on any server it killed actual 3s because it made people not care to look for 3s which is what happened to retail 3s.
I have watched many people and heard feedback too of people high rated that sit in 10min+ queues for teams 200+ mmr lower than them which is something you didn’t see often at all in any other season.
All you see now is people spamming soloq and rarely anyone posting in LFG looking for 3s.


Trust me bro I would love to play 3s but it’s impossible with LFG, it’s super dead and there’s like maybe 2 posts for 3s while everything else is 2s and it’s always some super meta comp so non-meta can’t get in and you also need high XP to actually play with good players.

If you’re on a new account with no bnet connections, XP or anything then you cannot push glad where as in PvE you can get into LFR, join a guild for Normal and LFG your way to Heroic/Mythic.

The same should apply to PvP but it’s not like that, you’re gatekept right at the start before you can even climb.

Yeah because soloq literally killed actual 3s.
There are also many players that came from nothing and got glad from lfg you literally have to grind you can’t expect to go in there and instantly find some multi glads or multi r1s and be spoon fed.

Dude I gurantee there is no “new” glad in DF, it’s not possible because like you said Solo Shuffle killed off LFG and 2s/3s.

There’s literally no one taking new players to push glad when at 1600 you’re fighting AWC alts and virtually half the games are fighting the same meta comp over and over lmao.

No one is asking to be spoon fed 3s rating, we just don’t care about 3s anymore and with it being dead the rewards should go to shuffle where a MAJORITY of people are at.