The Glad Mount is being gatekept behind 3s Rating and it's not fair

LFG is dead, it takes way too long to find people to climb with and the Glad mount is not accessible even for most normal 3s players because the bracket is deflated and the game play of fighting the same Assa/Disc team is incredibly unfun.

The average player can no longer access Glad because Solo Shuffle killed off any interest for that bracket and this is not fair because Glad is a cool title/mount that everyone should be able to try for.

I hit 2400 in Shuffle and I deserve to be able to get Glad also, the title and mount mean nothing to most people in 2023 and quite frankly if they’re giving out Feldrakes in Twitch drops then Glad mounts should be open in Shuffle also since everyone is playing this game mode and more people will have a chance at getting it.

Stop gatekeeping this mount and title around a dying game mode.


your bait is atrocious


idc if you think it’s bait or not, I want my glad mount and I don’t want to do 3s for it. It’s a dead game mode, let it die out and give us Glad in Shuffle.


The average player can no longer access Glad

That’s the point. It’s not a participation trophy.


Mean nothing to most people? There’s a reason why you want it. It’s because it’s hard to get. Spend the time to get better, watch replays, find good players and get it yourself. Asking for handouts is pathetic.


It’s not even a trophy at all, a SL glad player in my lobby is a guaranteed loss most of the time because he bought it along with most glads I see.

What’s the prestige in only no lifers and streamers getting a mount because they have people who still play this dying game?

If anything that’s a participation trophy for ya’ll since no one else can even start to compete.

No it’s because they locked it behind a dead game mode. If you have zero connections or prior XP, you are NOT getting a team or anywhere near glad. That’s not fair.

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Don’t we already have a thread for this?

There needs to be more threads on this, Blizzard needs to listen to player feedback.

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I’ve seen more players say they don’t want it then players saying they do…


Most people played ret/war which was free. RMP took SOME skill but resonators made it free. DH/Boomie was free pre kyrian and trinket nerfs. Most of those guys can’t break 2.1 this season.


And look at the people opposed to it, people who no life this game season after season getting glad.

They’re scared if others get it it won’t mean anything which it already doesn’t tbh.

The amount of SL glad mounts I saw on my climb is insane, most of them hardstuck 1800.


Make friends, it’s an MMO, I’ve met a hand full of people from Solo shuffle that I play 3s with now.


Delete all mounts, everyone gets one.

That’s my feeling on it.

Mounts and all the graphics and what not, complete waste of resources.

Never going to happen. If you want Glad go push the 3v3 ladder. Remove RSS its ruining the game. Buff Rogues.


I’m not talking about Shuffle, LFG is impossible to network in because for a Glad push you need to know people and have high XP esp when at 1800 you’re fighting AWC alts.

This puts 99% of players out of the running, how is that fair that people can’t climb because the game can’t retain players?

No, no one cares about 3s. It should be in Shuffle.

99% is better than 99.5% , the way It should be

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Lol you saying the mount should be exclusive to the circljerk society? If you are not part of it you miss out?

Wrong, that’s incredibly dumb. It’s a game, no content should be locked behind some arbitrary wall that only 0.5% of people can hit because they no life the game.


Should I get paid the same as a doctor because I didn’t go to school for 10+ years and work at McDonald’s?


People In here saying no one cares about it , while they are in fact in here caring that they can’t get one.

Saying that only streamers and AWC players can get them, they have to play against the same players you can’t beat to get them though…?