I didn’t mean just DF I meant in general there are many many people who got glad while having no big EXP before in the past and when 3s is actually popular (without soloq being in the game) 2400 + 50 wins is actually pretty easy especially when near the end of seasons the MMR is so inflated that 2400 feels like 1800 while r1 rating is 3k+.
Soloq should be removed from the game, simple as that.
When was 3s ever popular? People with no XP and that have glad bought it, legit SL was the most boosted/RMT infested xpac of them all.
There’s a chart on reddit rn that’s going viral showing the number of 2400 players in 3s in the first 3 months and Shuffle has 10x the amount of 2400 as 3s in the past 3 expansions put together.
Shuffle is a massive success, it has MORE people playing it and LFG will continue to die so why tf should Blizzard support a dying bracket? To keep you and the 10 other people queuing it happy? Give me a break, Glad should be Shuffle.
What you just typed is pure BS lmao
Facts are fact sweetheart, 3s is a meme bracket for Brazilian boosters and people who turned this game into their life aka forum neckbeards and streamers.
If I can get Mythic on a fresh acc but can’t access Glad then there’s a massive problem.
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This is probably why you cant find groups dude. Stop the conspiracy copium and throw down in the 1500s. Climb from the bottom rung
I can’t, I don’t have XP and LFG is dead. Forums are about as dead as LFG so finding people here is a no-go and like I said before Reddit didn’t work for me either.
If you had a fresh account you wouldn’t be able to even touch the ladder nonetheless even think about Glad.
If you cant find teams for 1500 youre not trying dude. Dont lie.
Of course you could, it’d just take a while.
Actually probably not long at all if you push 3200 shuffle in 200 games or something.
I’m looking at LFG rn and not only is it dead but there’s maybe 3 groups looking for 3s and I don’t fit any of their comps nor have the CR/XP to run with them.
You should make that video, Zero to Glad. I’d love to see you pull it off.
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We get it man you are snorting copium to max levels chill
If you don’t think Brazilian boosters exist then you’re the one whose on copium.
It’d be a waste of time for me.
Plenty of good players have probably done it, though.
Zero have done it, no one wastes their time making that video because it’s not possible.
New account. No XP, No Bnet, cannot queue with your friends/contacts, have to start fresh with a dead LFG and try to get Glad?
LOL. Ok buddy.
I think you don’t deserve glad 
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You are legit clueless. Buff Rogues
I’m 2400 in Shuffle, that’s the same as 3s.
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So, did you gift 100 subs to someone else and they boosted you in “viewers games”?
Why would I gift someone 100 subs?
You gifted pika 50 then whined because he wouldn’t do “viewer games” with you.
Who were the “brazilian boosters” that helped you to 2400?
You can’t boost in Shuffle and I never paid Pika for any viewer games, that’s actually fried if people do that.