The game should be casual friendly

^ This.

Find me an actual raider who ever said they liked that “meaningful choice” meme crap.

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You could have said a lot more with a lot less.

Gear grinds should be a part of a mmo. Progressing a character is part of the journey.

What makes it seem miserable is that casual content has either been dumbed down so much it is not interesting or it is locked behind getting gear from non casual content. I.e. bgs.

Keep the ilvl progression for PvE and rated content. As you increase your ivl the more content you should be able to unlock and continue to progress. Pretty simple.

Most importantly and absolutely crucial to keeping the game casual friendly is not forcing players into non casual content to do casual content. I.e. bgs. Templates or bg gear should be standardized in bgs. Rated can have the ilvl grind attached to it, but as a casual who slowly develops his character throughout the expansion, not being able to simply queue a casual pvp instance while I progress my character feels awful.


Requoting for emphasis


Ion just made the “let loot be loot” and “players want meaningful choices” up right?

Don’t bother that dude is spare parts, no one who actually plays this game thought covenants were a good systen

I’d argue slightly different.

No life tryhard mythic raiding elitists do actually know what game they want…they want a game where they get to be the gatekeepers to who is allowed to see content and get geared up. They want to raid log with as minimal hoops to jump through and raid gear to be head, shoulders, knees and toes ahead and beyond any and all other sources of gear in the game…because they are the best and should have the best and be the undeniable champions.

Also they absolutely did not want covenants locked down because they wanted to treat covenants like glorified talents. There is an argument to be made that certain choices can and should have consequences and “stick” and one thing Blizzard was trying to do with making covenant choices stick was to show people that one does not need to be min maxed to the ultra extreme to clear content…but everyone with a wrinkle in their brain knows this community is far too gone at this point and legit can’t function without some spreadsheet dork mathing out and spelling it out in a guide exactly what talents to take and what buttons to use and in what order to do it in.

In fact, even the tryhards are so actually far gone they need an addon to basically light up their buttons and tell them which they should be pressing at any given moment. The playstyle is to basically respond to flashing lights and sound stimuli a handful of addons are constantly bombarding them with like monkeys in a research cage.

The problem, as evidenced by the harsh decline, is the game the no life mythic raiding elitists wants is not fun or sustainable for the crowd actually keeping the lights on and servers humming…Wildstar should have been a lesson on what happens when you got a bunch of elitists who decide to build a game for other elitists…


Then you weren’t around the forums at all. There was even a thread that got THOUSANDS of replies about “pulling the ripcord” and about half were parroting the “meaningful choice meaningful choice” crap.

If you are progression raiding, Korthia doesn’t have much for you. Its kinda built as an either/or.

It can indeed take a few hours to do all the rares and such in Korthia. But only if you need to build up the knowledge and anima supplies.

If you honestly believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.


Was the argument about covenants being a good system? Or was the argument about not being able to freely swap between bad systems?

Both, the reason this xpac is garbage is because all the day to day content is straight trash, has nothing to do with titanforging going away or the 3 end game pillars giving the best gear compared to daily activities, thats just something bads like to whine about on the forums like wormeater

You are speaking to my very soul, I have the utmost respect for what you wrote . You speak for me. All a player has to do is log in and see it for themselves it’s the truth.

No, i mean in this thread. From what ive seen the argument was in not being able to freely swap between them from the start because “meaningful choice”, not so much that it was actually a good system… i might have missed it though

Both imo, and there is no meaningful choice in wow only whatever is bis for your class and spec proven by the fact almost all players went with their bis covenant at the beginning.

Holy crap the victim mentality is palpable around here. Yall bring “pitiful” to a whole new level that leaves it inadequate to describe how sad this kind of thinking is.

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I seriously think you’re misunderstanding me here. Your opinion is not what im looking for, either someone literally said that “covenants are a good system” or they didnt. Your argument was that someone is “spare parts” because

yet i dont recall anyone in this thread making that claim.

Oh sorry dude. Its the spareparts lvl 50 totem lock who seems to think elite raiders wanted to be lock into covenants for " meaningful choice" idk that dude has never had anything remotely intelligent to say

You know what you said here is really striking.

There is a phrase entertainers used to use and it goes like this:

The quickest way to fail as an entertainer is to make entertainment only other entertainers appreciate.

Oh the irony…

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I see.

Well, in an attempt for me to leave out ad hominems and personal attacks, I will say i agree that even in SL beta, influencers and high end raiders were not only sending up red flags but also shooting them way into the sky about how the covenant systems were bad design.

To OP, me personally likely being what i like to call an extremist casual player, i revel in my mediocrity. I just have fun in it whatever im doing. If its not fun, i dont do it and i leave. There have been times for months, and once for a period of 3 years i didnt play this game, until i thought i could have fun with it again. But i also acknowledge that im a minority (or think i am)

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