The game should be casual friendly

I mean… I like to PUG mythic raids and keys. I’m 5/10 M SOD and 2500+ IO. Killed the mage tower… Maxed out korthia tier 6 and all Dom shards. Maxed all reps in game and 80 with all covenants plus all campaigns done. All mission followers Maxed. All sanctum stuff Maxed, farmed all the mods, mounts etc that you can get with Anima. Been up to 2200 in arenas, farmed BGs and done random world quests, chests, rares etc. Finally, I have 6x lvl 60 toons and at least 11x lvl 50+ toons. All while dealing with my remote job that prevents me from playing regularly. LmK how I don’t put in effort for what I have. Btw I’m lower than average ilvl for my progression. Still waiting for these supposed loot showers.

Also, almost every mythic raider I’ve ever met grinds their but off, plays multiple toons, and completes almost all Content the game has outside of raid.

Sounds like you are envious of others. Manage your time better or… git gud. :salt: trying to bash groups of people for their success is cringe.

Nope I take plenty of breaks ya gotta the game gets stale esp this xpac when basically every day to day piece of content is trash, korthia, torghast, the maw, callings, etc… all boring uninspired content that got old within a week of its release

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This one raided mythic at the start of SL and supported it.

This one agreed with the covenant system as it was at launch as well. They raided into mythic as well.

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Homie im not gonna argue with you, you’re spare parts thats all that needs to be said. Enjoy paying blizzard too troll and whine on the forums.

That’s because you’re wrong.

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Im sure we can find individual opinions on both sides of the fence with respect to covenants being either bad or good design. Regrettably most of those opinions are usually without much introspection into how they actually worked, but more so in folowing other peoples voices.

My recollection though, in the beta from those who had big enough voices, were all fairly resolute in how they believed covenant systems were actually bad design, and went pretty well ignored by Blizzard none the less.

Truth be told, most of the people i saw who thought covenants were good from a “meaningful choice” perspective, were from a RP mindset, not a raiding mindset…but in fairness i cant quantify that either.

You’re right. Most people, casuals and raiders, hated this system and were vocal about it.

The claim of “there wasn’t a single raider who agreed with this system” is objectively false and wanted to prove them wrong.


I see, ok…fair enough

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You do realize you could just not do korthia or really most of the extra junk that is completely unnecessary. Could have spent that time doing keys or raiding ye know things that actually make a proper difference in the strength of your character. Especially if u don’t have a ton of time, cut out all the junk that wont even add 1% more dmg to your character.

I came back in BFA in the middle of 8.3 and that was extremely new player unfriendly. The sheer grind to unlock flying from start to finish was insane. You had to get revered with a ton of factions to fly plus revered with more to unlock amulet essence stuff. This was on-top of having to grind visions and other things to level two legendaries. It was at minimum 2 weeks of playing nightly just to catch-up on that stuff.

Shadowlands in comparison isn’t even on the same level as being unfriendly to alts. I just leveled a new character and we’re absolutely spoiled now with all the catch-up stuff in 9.1.5.

Instant renown 40, all iLvl 200 conduits at the start, Korthia rep is way faster (also gives conduit upgrades + fast iLvl 220 upgrades), only had to run Torghast 6 times, M+ drops guaranteed conduit+legendary upgrades (thank god), and the valor system lets you upgrade items very fast (also encourages you to farm low keys for fast valor).

If I were to pick negatives I would have to say it would be having to regrind KSM and the gem socket system still blows.

The game is casual in the sense that you only really need to do 1-4 M+ keys a week and can get the same Mythic iLvl loot as everyone else.

you need catalogued research for conduit upgrades

100% the conduit upgrades, sockets etc aren’t gonna hold you back from clearing content for sure, the real issue tho is all shadowlands world content is so awful and boring. Running keys is fun sure, raiding is top notch as always obvs but the game is at its best when the world content is fun and engaging , shadowlands failed in the most important part of the game

Unless you are actually doing high end content aka mythic raid or around +20s and higher it dosent actually matter all that much. A bad player with high level conduits isn’t going to put dps a good player with low conduits. This is also about casuals as in people who won’t even see a plus 10.

This isn’t anything new. I’m pretty sure WoW has always been designed with the philosophy that BiS gear is made to be very inaccessible to the majority of the player base, considering quite a few of the BiS pieces drop from the last boss of the current raid on the highest difficulty and only a small portion of players ever get this far. Same in PvP as gear is rating gated in most xpacs and often times has BiS gear locked behind endgame PvE content (even now, as having 1-2 ilevel 259 vers piece with domination socket is technically BiS over a full pvp set. It’s just that the upgrade is small enough and the difficulty is high enough that most people don’t bother getting it).

The game is designed at minimum to take about 2-3 months for players to get their max iLvl because its an MMORPG and they have to keep people coming back each week.

Once you do get all your loot than the game becomes boring as you no longer have anything new to work towards. This is why patch fatigue usually sets in around 4 months in.

yes, and none of those half were mythic raiders or serious key runners, so I guess we’re just using different definitions of “elitists”. i guess that’s where the confusion is!

The success of the game (since vanilla) is largely due to how casual-friendly it is, though.

Imagine if the game required you to party up and have a tank for simple questing.

How about you fact check instead of making false claims?

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i stand corrected. thank you. some of the people who wanted this system were in fact mythic raiders.

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Legendaries cost too much.
Hard to get into groups starting fresh.
Throwing new players into bfa dungeons.