The game should be casual friendly

No. I don’t enjoy chorechast and never have.

I however have never gotten extra sockets all expansion and I’m doing fine.

I like how your schedule changed and now you want the game to change. So eff everyone that still has plenty of time to play?

What you are experiencing is a little thing called growing up. Brace yourself, but as you start adulting, you don’t have as much time to game. That may mean you can’t achieve or attain every pixel you want.

People need to grow up and stop trying to force the game to fit their changing schedules/ lifestyles. You got that twisted.

Guy as a fellow boomer you just sound so cringe right now. Please stop. Are you seriously trying to parent someone over the internet on World of Warcraft forums.


Yet by all accounts, they are doing much better than WoW.

Also they still got the $15 for the month even if you play those 4 hours a week.

I strongly disagree.

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So telling someone to grow up and stop whining is “parenting” them? Lmao mmk slugger

wow was most successful when many of the world zones had snow and ice everywhere

obviously the formula for success is to add more snow and ice

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Yes, everyone loved WoD and that’s why it’s lauded as one of the best expansions the game has ever seen.


No one at all ever complained about “nothing to do” or anything ever.

FFXIV would like to have a word with you.


The elitists defended those systems as well.

mEaNiNgFuL cHoIcE I believe was the tag line.


They sure didn’t want those meaningful choices did they? hahahaha

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It honestly boggled my mind how many people defended that. When it was announced you could freely swap I don’t remember anyone saying “oh this is a mistake the choice should remain meaningful”.

I personally think it was just trolls and contrarians trying to argue for the sake of arguing at the launch of SL.


I’ve said this before and its why I don’t really want Blizz to listen to super hardcore players.

These elitists don’t know what type of game they want. They just know they want to be the best and to achieve being the best by the shortest possible means.

I do not think these people as a whole play the game for fun. Fun for them is being the best period and things like meaningful choices get in the way of that.


I’d also add, they want the best in the game and only want a select few to be able to obtain it. Their fun is being “better” than other players and being able to step on the “casuals”.


i don’t remember seeing that even once. i remember a lot of people who loved it solely because the “elitists” thought it was a bad idea, and they were thrilled at having an opportunity to stick it to the sweaty raid loggers or whatever.

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It’s pretty damn friendly already. Can you do everything and reach optimal rewards with limited play time? No. Of course not. Not sure why anyone would expect that either.

I have two jobs and a new baby… still maintaining 247 ilvl from m+ alone, slowly getting to KSM (at 1800 now). That’s my only goal for now. I play mostly late at night for an hour or two depending on how often baby decides to wake up.

Ended torghast after I got my 262.
Callings? Only do the easy ones.
Raids? Unnecessary. I don’t need domination gear or sockets for what I do and have never been told “I’m not letting you into my group because you don’t have xyz gear”.
PvP? Unnecessary.
Sockets? Sure, neat to have. Kinda pointless unless you’re in all 252 or 259 gear though. You don’t need them. I didn’t get R6 til like, a few weeks ago barely doing any Korthia because god was it boring. Never felt compelled to do it, but I had the time, and I finally did have some gear that was worth socketing.

You, once again, do not need to max out your vault options.

Agree with you about conduit rates and the ilvls. I think conduits should have just been strictly Ranks 1-X with a clear upgrade function not reliant on drops.

99% of all content in this game is causal friendly, every single piece of content has a queable mode, sorry you can’t get max gear with out taking time to play the game.

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Agreed adding more rewards like this to torghast would be a great way to let casuals and most players get these things without needing to raid/do korthia. Also agree with getting rid of boring daily grinds for player power they need to stop being done.

Yep I agree with this honestly and raid should be 6-8 pieces per boss per 20 man raid tbh. The gear drought this expansion has been brutal.

100% agree I really hate how slow it is.

This is definitely controversial but I can agree with it, although I see why people wouldn’t want to agree.

Agreeed world queests and callings need much better gear drops casuals have no decent ways to gear up atm and it sucks.

Or better yet remove them altogether and focus on things like legendries and tier sets.

Overall great suggestions though. Would love the game to become more like this, and also it becoming easier to gear/progress alts as well would be very appreciated as well.

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It’s more alt friendly than, like, classic or something. IDK if it’s more casual friendly. Maybe it is, but it’s the least casual friendly MMO in its league, so maybe the standard just shot up and they’re moving at a snail’s pace to catch it.

Game’s only casual friendly if you stop doing group content entirely. Otherwise it’s a clusterf*** of various treadmills that all lead in different directions that mesh into the single goal of completing a character for a patch, which still feels incredibly out of reach.


Exactly they don’t want casuals to have anyway
To get said gear by playing the game but…

They sure will sell it to you for in game gold.