The game should be casual friendly

heres what i want as a casual, i want to blow stuff up in the world after a reasonable amount of effort to “git gud”, i dont want to get destroyed, crippled or ‘time wasted’ by normal world mobs with ilvl and lvl scaling. harder stuff ok w/e ill roll with the blows.

i dont care about mythics or raids, i dont even care if my gear is non-functional in those scenarios… just dont waste my time in the world

thanks for reading - and happy new year :slight_smile: :partying_face: :firecracker:


Say what?

There’s nothing challenging nor time-consuming about getting a Shadowlands “legendary”.


the challenging part is the gold - nice hat btw

You can get the gold for a rank 1 legendary by doing 1 or 2 callings. It’s trivial.

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i thought they cost 10’s of 1000’s of gold? last i looked thats what i saw, maybe i should pay a little more attention O_o

Taking leather wrists as an example, the U.S. mean price is 431 gold. Belt is 536. Something like legs are more expensive, 4400. That’s still just a couple of callings worth of gold.

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I feel your pain on this, I took off a bit after season 1, recently came back & haven’t bothered trying to catch up if that’s even possible. My Ilv is still 220 & it can stay there I guess:/ I made another character on another server & don’t even feel like playing this guy anymore as he’ll never catch up anyway.

Early in season one I had a psu short my mobo, rebuilt a pc, it was only 2 weeks. The M+ friends I made & was on par with were 2.5k+ Io’s. After this experience I feel like I shouldn’t even bother unless I’m around at release so I can stay with people of similar skill.

Well there ya go, learnt something new, i shall go and have another look :slight_smile:

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I’ve been working on two alliance alts the last two weeks, and thee only annoying thing was getting conduits. Today I found out they added an item you can buy in Oribos that unlocks all conduits at level 200 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: How did I miss this lol

No it isn’t

There’s a ton of extra borrowed power grinds

Pvp gearing is effectively a rep grind per slot

Game is incredibly alt unfriendly compared to pre borrowed power

Just countless borrowed power rep grinds using different labels and all tied directly into primary power progression

Wow was most successful with the simple formula of all abilities for hitting max level and just chasing simple gear after that

Simple, fun, and way more alt friendly


It is causal friendly.

Casual friendly does not equal ‘no time, effort or energy needed’.

It is unlikely the next expansion will drop before October next year so you have ten months. If you try playing the game instead of seeking shortcuts, that will be plenty of time.

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I wonder… have any of you seen any interviews with Ion? He is nothing like a casual and I don’t think they made SL for them. This was made for one class of player…

The Sweat Lord


Higher-end raiders and M+ players have hated Shadowlands’ systems (especially covenants) since Alpha testing.

It was the self-proclaimed “casual” players who kept defending those systems on this forum before Shadowlands released.

You didnt need to do korthia at all unless you wanted sockets

Im just over r4. Unless youre cutting edge parser you dont need all the sockets.

For normal folks doing a 15 a week is enough plus mb 4 hours of raid. The hardest part is dom gear and gem upgrading

yeah I want to do the hardest content in the game. right now the remaining gates for me to start Mythic raiding are getting my dungeon ring and my dungeon trinket, IQD (+7.3% dps). it feels bad because i’ve run Halls and DOS a million times and still don’t have the items. who knows though maybe i’ll get them soon.
my point is i want to pour as much effort and energy and build the skill it takes to play the hardest content. its just mathematically unattainable to reach there IN TIME before the next patch starts.
i feel like i spend the appropriate amount of time considering the grinding i did in summer and the hiatus i took in Fall. guess that means out to 3 hr/day everyday.
theres not enough time to do world content and Key content and Raid content in just one week. if we want to keep daily quest socket grinds? then the amount of dungeons you have to run for the 2 and 3 choice vault should be less, to offset the grind in the max level zones. from 4 key runs and 10 key runs, to 3 runs and 5 runs.
I’m advocate of to put in the effort, energy, and skill, but on LESS TIME.
9.2 will drop in like ten weeks and I’m not positive i’ll clear mythic sanctum in that time with my schedule. if I do? then everything I’ve said up until now I take back because I will have proven for myself that you have enough time to beat all the content. problem is thats unlikely

Fyi you can buy an item to give all conduits at 200 ilvl now. Then upgrade via torghast or raid or w/e

Yes but he was a mythic raider before becoming game director and it’s my understanding that he still raids? As crazy as it sounds the game direction coming from a experienced raider and with all of that feedback from those who raided with him?

Ion hasn’t logged in in months. Ilvl 238, renown 58, honor level 6. He no longer plays the game he designed for himself and others like him.

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Blizzard has been pooping on raid guilds since the beginning of Legion.

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I really like all of your ideas to streamline the end game experience. Using Torghast for sockets instead of the daily grind is an especially great idea. Thank you for your input.