what if we dont want to play war on servers way bigger than even intended to be? If blizzard were no so selfish and greedy, and actually made more servers available which vanilla server caps we’re not be so in this mess. I only picked pvp bc it was the only server wthout a massive queue on launch and there was like 1 pve server and i dont like overly massive servers
You’re welcome to point to where I claimed to be great at this game.
Yeah Blaumeux did get really bad
You both rolled on the same server type and you are having vastly different experiences…
And have vastly different approaches to competition and problem solving
If you dont have thick enough skin for pvp you shouldn’t be on a pvp server
What’s the phrase? Something about kettles and pots?
Weird, your guildmates sure do seem to eagerly join in on the smorc zerg ganksquads wherever they happen. But horde is so thirsty for any singular shred of honor, i suppose its to be expected. Point is, dont pretend there is any ‘skill’ involved in the pvp you participate in.
If you think world pvp was anything like this in vanilla, you didnt actually play vanilla.
Prove it, my guild avoids SMOrc leaching tumors like the plague
The only reason it wasn’t was because players didn’t have the game fully figured out in 2004 and didn’t have access to the third party software to optimize gameplay.
Day 1) “Imma roll on a PvP server and gank every newb I find. They can cry all they want, but I will show no mercy. RED = DED! You are not a man unless you’re on a PvP server.”
Honestly, as I’m sure the rest of the Alliance on your server are still playing for at least a while longer, doesn’t that make you one of the weaker out of the bunch?
Also, where’s your team spirit? You’re just going to leave them to their population imbalance and not help them out at all, even though they’re going through the same issues you are?
After watching your video, what I find interesting is that, out of everybody coming out of the graveyard, nobody is grouping-up to try to solve the problem. You would think entire Alliance guilds would start banding together in massive raids of raids to purify zones. Afterall, that’s the kind of thing you roll on a PvP server for, no?
Even if it’s 60/40 population difference, with all of the horde spread-out across every zone, focusing on one zone at a time should very easily and quickly tip the scales in your favor.
Are you serious? Did you watch the video OP posted? There are 90+ horde camping BRM.
Here’s the horde PvP experience: https:// youtu.be/Q3-Oxn_cuKg
PvE with the option to PVP at will.
Brother it’s supposed to be humorous something you’re obviously lacking in. If you’ve dived into the interwebs as of recent you’d know that Epstein jokes are thriving. Continue on with your blabbering faction imbalance nonsense that will never take place though… I digress. KONY 2020.
Given how Blizzard totally screwed this up, people should have had a clue. I think a lot of people simply underestimated Blizzard’s incompetence.
First Blizzard rolled out with mega servers that could hold at least 10x what Vanilla servers could. Then they implemented layering to help with the launch but stated layering would be gone by phase 2. They neglected to implement faction locks or faction queues. They initially rolled out too few servers. They allowed transfers of the underpopulated faction off full servers. They increased the cap of people that could simultaneously be playing.
This has created a totally miserable phase 2 experience for underpopulated factions. I believe them when they say they literally cannot play.
This is not Vanilla. Not even close. Where you might have had a few hundred to a thousand of the dominate faction roving around looking for kills, you now have tens of thousands of them. If a full server by Vanilla standards is considered low pop by current standards, how many more players do you suppose are playing?
The game was NEVER designed to be played this way. But when people chose a PvP server that they knew had multiple layers and a 30k queue at the onset, this should have been an indication that this was going to end badly.
No way would I play either faction on a Classic Blizzard PvP server. I feel badly for people who chose that route. But I can’t get my head around what they were possibly thinking when they did.
The author of that video the OP posted was in a raid group of 13. Why not group and run in together. Instead, they have some probably afk’ing at the instance… and then some being lazy waiting for a summon.
Easier to whine.
8 days of played time is a lot if time is relative to you. If you live with your parents or don’t work then 8 days is not much at all. Thats not true about pvp servers being ghost towns I played Vanilla when it first released on a pvp server and the griefing was not on this level. Please know what your saying when you speak.
I have unsubbed. I still have 3 months of play time. I’m still posting because I’m hoping to god that during that 3 month period something changes and I can give them back my money. But I’m not going to keep paying for something I can’t use, no matter how much I ‘care’.
Lol. Git gud
The issue here is that all of the checks that you are proposing would ultimately undermine the freedom of players to play the game as they see fit (even if it is ultimately detrimental to the long term health of the game) and effectively punish the most popular choices for faction.
Further, mega servers were the logical way of dealing with population entropy long term; the loss of a hundred players is much more catastrophic to a server with a 1000 players then it is to one with 6 or 7k and given how players kept hyping up “epic WPVP at SS and TM” it’s not unreasonable to assume it’s presumable that a lot of players wanted this but didn’t realize what it would mean.
People should have seen this coming. The fact that they didn’t isn’t really blizzards fault.
If you listen when people say an imbalance and actually understand what that means then you will realize that grouping doesn’t matter when you have 300 horde running around at level 60 killing everyone and even town npc’s with no resistance because, “Listen closely are you listening still? IMBALANCE of faction numbers”.