What is your suggestion to motivate a server of people who don’t want to leave IF? I’m ready to group and run in. I can find a group of 5 others who want to group and run in. I cannot find a group of 13+ like the horde manages to easily find and place in all zones that have destinations of value. I rolled Alliance and want to PVP. Because of the racials though, a majority of the server has rolled to PVE it seems. What is your suggestion then?
Why roll a pvp server then?
It’s historically known that the majority of servers throughout wows existence have been heavily one sided, with a very few actually having any reasonable balance.
When you rolled pvp, you took a coin flip on if you’d be on a alliance dominated or a horde dominated server.
Play Alliance on Benediction and wait till you hit level 30 and up you will no longer be able to level as alliance you will have to reroll as horde and then you have a dead server.
This is also not true never had this issue playing Vanilla. Can blizzard please add to the comments the age of the accounts being played, not age of the character.
there lies the problem. If 60’s dont want to fight, then they wont no matter the faction balance.
Players who dont find fighting and dying fun, simply wont PvP.
Dying never bothered me, I spend a whole session going at, does matter to me how many times I die, better than living like a monk in Ironfail.
So your suggestion is to give some players a good time now at the expense of everyone else and let the game fall apart because it’s fun now?
If given some incentive to switch they might.
This is NOT an Alliance thing.
It is an imbalanced server thing.
Stop blanketing this as an Alliance issue. This is a server issue.
50/50 servers do not experience this problem.
Listen closer If you have 600 level 60’s on one side and 60 level 60’s on the other. You really need to pay closer attention instead of just commenting to sound cool.
As opposed to the alternative where you do the same thing but to what is ultimately a much larger slice of the servers player base?
Like I understand why this is attractive as an option when you’re the underdog but I guarantee you implementing this would easily tripple the number of threads complaining about the state of the game.
Blizzard just add a server transfer method or faction change and I will gladly stack the servers and then wpvp becomes pointless.
yes they will. The alliance has always been on the soft side.
a balance server is only a dream number.
Here’s the difference, Ally run their chores for the day, then they log off or hang in IF waiting for SS vs TM.
Horde go looking for trouble everywhere.
No it wouldn’t. Faction caps don’t keep you from rolling horde or alliance. If a you and your friends choose a server that has a faction already capped, you simply go to another server.
I’m so fckn sick of hearing this garbage. It’s like server mergers are worse than being eaten alive by fire ants. Blizzard could have allowed surnames so the snowflakes who whine about muh name bruh could keep their precious name stabsunoob or w/e. No reason to scrap Vanilla like servers in favor of the ridiculous mega fiasco.
No it isn’t Blizzard’s fault that people underestimated the stupidity that is modern Blizzard. The stupidity that is modern Blizzard is of course Blizzard’s fault.
Except this kinda is an alliance issue. Why do horde on retail and classic dominate pvp servers while alliance dominate pve? There are maybe 3-4 servers where its the opposite or close to balanced. Its a players mindset. MOST alliance dont care for pvp. When 85% of all pvp servers are horde it becomes a alliance/player issue.
The real issue is the defeatist attitude of the alliance as a whole, they have turned into a faction of professional victims over the years.
They will have a slight disadvantage of like 60/40 and go full “the sky is falling” mode and quit before its even started thus further digging themselves into a deeper hole, then all the alliance pvp players with an actual backbone get tired of being surrounded by doormats and end up rerolling horde to be among other pvp players.
Ive watched this transition happen slowly over the last 15 years, it was around BFA launch where things started getting comical, the “horde bias” and warmode = hordemode mob mentality
The alliance have noone to blame but themselves
I’m complaining that the game is unplayable for me. These hypothetical threads would be complaining that they have to actually play the game. Forgive me if I don’t see the two as the same. I’m wanting some changes so that I can play. Where as the other side is wanting to keep things as they are so they can easily honor farm or traverse zones without people fighting back.
If I was on the winning side, yes, I would be hesitant to implement changes as well. BUT as everyone likes to remind us, we rolled on PVP servers for a reason. Deathballing around Searing Gorge is easymode, it’s not PVP. Those who are against changes are afraid of actually having to PVP. Perhaps those are the ones who should move to a PVE server.
Please stop blaming us as a whole. There are those of us stubborn enough to stick with Alliance AND still want to PVP. But there isn’t even a fight when it’s 1v5. That’s not PVP.
Which prevents me from playing with my friends and/or preventing me from logging into the server.
Mergers would be good no doubt, but players have consistently railed against them (and to be fair they do lead to problems in their own right) and Blizz has been consistently hesitant to do so and that led to the much reviled LFR system that has proven detrimental to Retail.
No, this is a player problem. People wanted PVP, they wanted as many advantages as possible in PVP and they chose the races that were most optimized for PVP which meant that horde populations bloomed out of control.
I’m not saying that I don’t see your point or how it would benefit server balance, I’m saying that it would punish a larger segment of a given server’s population in order to protect the smaller portion and that would lead to a catastrophic s**t storm quite possibly worse then what we’re looking at now.
And I’m saying this as someone who hasn’t played on a PVP server in over a decade.
I have heard of a version of the game that has fifteen years worth of patches. It’s a paradise because, luckily for you, they have fixed exactly this situation.
You’ll get no sympathy from me. There are dozens of ways to solve this problem, but one way that definitely won’t work is to play solo on a PvP server and then whine about it here.