Around post 78-79 there is a nice video showing what the world is like on Skeram. I have seen similar videos of other realms as well. After watching that please explain to me how the ganking in the world could possibly get any worse? Mind you that video is from a rogue’s perspective. Imagine it without stealth.
edit Anyone who is saying ‘pvp happened on a pvp server’ really should watch that video and then try to justify why those Alliance players should not quit? Remember a dead faction on a PvP realm is a dead PvP realm.
Gonna go over my check list of things that need to be said WRT the op.
PvP happened on a PVP server. Like, people had to know that there would be servers that swung hard to one faction or the other due to dominance creep and Horde is kind of legendary for having better classic racials then alliance. Further, since blizzards hardwar/software is better then it was in 2004 they can support much more densley populated servers.
PVE servers do exist: If you want to play the game and don’t want to deal with unstructured involuntary PVP then you should roll on one of them. You talk about how it took you 8 days to get where you are, but without another faction to grief you you could probably get to where you are much faster. Further, you can absolutely have WPVP on one of those servers just by setting up a guild vs guild challenge on the realm forums.
This is a player problem not a Blizz problem: there isn’t really anything that Blizz can do to blance pvp and for my money they shouldn’t, since this is something players have done to themselves and any solution on their part would negatively impact the majority of players.
I am saying the alliance will all but quit. The only people playing would likely do it from a BG perspective. I am telling you as this continues the alliance WILL quit and there will be no leveling players to hunt down.
Did you notice how many show up when someone calls it out? They call out 1 and 4 show up. If they called out 13 likely 45 would show up. A raid of 13 will give them a single battle win and then they would be camped.
People lose names both Guild and Character if they merge servers. Remember this is #nochanges so it will not be linked realms like retail where it has a realm name after your character.
This would be a player issue. Unfortunately most alliance dont enjoy pvp or being overwhelmed to the point its unplayable. The horde wont transfer or switch to ally so nothing gets better.
If blizzard stepped in it could get better. All they got to do is create queues so the dominating faction has more reason to faction change. (And allow faction changes)
Maybe. You would have to ask those impacted what they value more. The bigger issue here is no matter the solution (Blizzard fix it or not) it will end up with players quitting. Less players is never good for any game. I agree something needs to be decided on and announced (fix or not) so the impacted players can decide what they want to do.
so instead of gathering your forces and going to fight the horde, you want players to quit.
At the next year’s blizzcon, I think the cosplay winner will be a whining Ally player.
Christ the amount of whining from my side and in front of the horde no less.
I need to go to the AH and buy the paperbag of shame helm piece.
It is honestly so cute that you think people will actually faction change because of queues, instead of getting on the forums to complain about how Blizzard is punishing them for playing the game they paid a subscription for how they want.