They’re releasing BG’s. It will get a lot better on December 10.
Yeah it would, and then you’ll get dozens of daily posts by Horde dominated PvP servers that the server imbalance is ruining their experience because they have 1hr+ queue times for literally any BG
Basically this. I screwed the pooch not taking my transfer when I could, now world PvP is only playable for a short time before Horde respond in droves.
Fortunately, the death squads leave a lot of less common places alone where you can farm and actually get more evenly sided PvP. Good luck mounting off the flight path though
Blizzard bloated the servers. Sorry you got the shaft by joining a massive one with an imbalance problem. Personally if I were on a realm that was extremely skewed I would probably reroll
Bgs will be crossrealm so server won’t matter.
That’s really the essence of it. I should have recognized the server was doomed to asscancer from the outset.
Definitely not going to put another nine days of game time in the desperate hope that blizzard doesn’t destroy the next server. I’ve unsubbed/uninstalled until there’s transfers
I’ve seen some pretty good suggestions on how to deal with server imbalance, but blizz doesn’t seem to give a sht one way or another. Hopefully it will get addressed
That makes it worse not better. Then there will be no incentive to balance the realms because the majority faction will get to have the cake of reasonable cross realm que times and eat it too by systematically exterminating the extinct victim faction in world pvp.
Blizzard doesn’t care, they’ve demonstrated that beyond any shadow of a doubt. Just rip off the band aid and open up transfers permanently so they can let people escape the concentration camp single faction pvp servers.
This is a player created problem and no matter the solution decided on by Blizzard, it will piss off some large quantity of the player base. Players must create their own solution to this unfortunately and honestly I do not see that happening. Too much immaturity on both sides.
I’m unsubbed until it is. This isn’t a game anymore, it’s just a time waste disaster.
People throw around unplayable a lot on these forums but when you literally can’t engage in any end game content what so ever it’s warranted.
Ofc they care. They care that one faction will have too long queue times.
Eh I took the transfer to Heartseeker, and it’s not without its flaws. Yes we dominate wPvP here, and you can get to dungeon entrances without dying. But on the other hand we don’t have the epic 100 vs. 100 battles that I’ve seen on other servers.
The biggest battles we have here are a 40 vs. 30 at Tarren Mill, Kargath, or Gurubashi arena. And the alliance always wins. I guess it’s vanilla-like in a way. If you like big epic wPvP battles though you won’t find them here.
Thanks for the histrionics, female dwarf priest aka Karen. The kids are waiting at school, better get off the forums and into the minivan soon
The BGs are cross realm, nothing will change. The dying servers will die and those players will quit.
I think that’s a chance their willing to take. Then maybe they can merge servers when enough go.
Well first of all, the solution should have happened on the front-end. If a server already has 5,000 horde and 500 alliance accounts, it shouldn’t let someone create a new horde character. And as for pissing people off, you are seeing people quit over it already
The game as its designed is unplayable at this point. On my server Ony attunement is basically impossible even at level 60. Game over. Yeah. Sad but true.
If you’re so categorically divorced from reality that you think this won’t kill the server then there’s nothing I can say that will change your mind.
Hopefully your bizarre incel projections bring some joy to what must be an incredibly bleak existence you’re leading.
Players would have been quitting over that change. That would potentially keep people from playing with their friends or even making alts for their mains to send items/gold to. That would piss off a very large portion of players I would imagine.
Indeed, couldn’t agree more