unfortunately this
Or, and hear me out here, you should stop whining and expecting Blizzard to solve problems caused by players. And, frankly, you should have known this was going to happen before you rolled PvP. Before you even finished leveling-- No, before the servers even launched, there was already clear evidence that the servers were going to be unbalanced. Players chose to make the servers unbalanced. That’s on them, not Blizzard. Blizzard is simply providing the sandbox, it is up to the players what they do with it.
Even if the factions were balanced the horde would still camp flightpaths because the alliance doesn’t gather. Hell some alliance guilds WIPED our Kazaak raid the other night instead of helping to let alliance get server first. Overall I haven’t had the same experience as you and I’m on an unbalanced server where we are outnumbered.
As a guild we go out and clear those areas. We were outnumbered several times last night alone and still fought back AND WON pushing back the horde. Most of the ones camping FPs aren’t very good. That’s the point of a PVP server is PvP. Join in the fun and group up or get mad and quit wasting all the hard work you’ve put in.
Either way the more alliance that quit or transfer will only exacerbate the problem. Group up and fight back and join in the fun.
You’re a clown and you know it. This kind of smug asshattery is just fiddling while Rome burns.
Populations will plummet, first for the victim faction but then for the beneficiaries of Blizzard’s wanton indifference. The game will slowly lose funding and die.
But you’ll get to say “get gud” on the forums for a while like a petulant toddler, which you clearly derive some satisfaction from so good for you. There can’t be much else going for you in your life if that’s actually worth your time so I’m glad it brings some measure of solace to your bleak and pathetic existence.
Goodbye. I hope you find a game that you enjoy.
Just because PvPers cry doesn’t mean the game will die.
There’s, like, a whole other set of servers out there, where this is totally not an issue. We call them Normal servers. But people chose to roll on PvP servers, and are now suffering because PvP is happening to them in ways they don’t like.
There is no “fun” in not being able to navigate the map or access any end game content. Having to assemble a 40 man raid to leave a city is not a “game mechanic” or a reasonable expectation.
People that don’t have the time to assemble a 40 man every time they have the audacity to leave a city will quit. They’re already doing it. The servers are dying right in front of blizzards eyes and they simply do not care.
Mankrik’s still going strong. Maybe you made a poor choice in server type?
I don’t quite get the joke. I didn’t know who Epstein was until googling him. Why would I care how a sex offender died?
Lol you probably should read some more about it. He was protected at the highest level of American public and private power. Super corruption
is there a suggested solution somewhere or is this just you complaining
This was and is vanilla pvp.
You either didn’t play vanilla or are liar.
The server populations are higher, the balance is worse and the coordinated extermination squads are more organized.
Stop pretending you know what you’re talking about and go back to retail.
Lolol so much salt
You really SHOULD quit, you’re practically frothing at the mouth with nerd rage.
Since they clearly don’t care, open the transfers back up and let us escape the concentration camp.
They’ve demonstrated beyond any shadow of a doubt they’re comfortable killing servers so just remove the fig leaf. We’ll just have idiotic single faction pvp servers.
I created this toon in vanilla. Do yourself a favor go to a pve server and cut your QQ.
Wouldn’t transfers just compound the issue and make it worse for both factions?
Says the neckbeard incel that stalks people on blizzard forums…
I hope this provides some small measure of solace to what can only be an unimaginably depressing existence you’re leading.
He’s quite possibly one of the worlds biggest sex traffickers for underage women who had personal ties to huge political figures such as Bill Clinton, The British Royals and many, many more. He was arrested on these charges put into a super max jail in NYC and then commited “suicide” on 24/7 suicide watch mind you before he could go to trial. You should care. We all should care.
Lol im an incel neck beard stalking you for replying in ONE thread (this thread)?
Your projection is showing
You’re so mad you’re just throwing out all the buzzwords, surprised you didn’t call me a cuck