HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Pvp problem not on Heartseeker you’re a joke
Plurality - a number of votes cast for a candidate in a contest of more than two candidates that is greater than the number cast for any other candidate but not more than half the total votes cast
(Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
More than a plurality, an actual MAJORITY of the players have no problems playing the game. Horde PvP players are the majority on their servers, and these problems simply don’t exist on all the PvE servers. You’re pissed because you’re in a disadvantaged minority. That is all.
Players made the faction balance what it is. Players should fix it. Open up transfers, and let players choose their own fate.
You’re right I do care, I have almost nine days played, I had a great time.
That’s in the past now, the game is dead. I’m not exaggerating you can’t play it, I feel like “unplayable” hyperbole gets thrown around a lot on here but you literally cannot leave a major city without getting spawn camped.
I’m unsubbed/uninstalled now. Just here advocating for transfers paid or otherwise off of these idiotic concentration camp servers. It shouldn’t matter as blizzard demonstrably doesn’t give a fig about the balance. All I’m asking is that they just do what Blizzard does best and grab the cash irrespective of the consequences.
Culling the weak, only the actual alliance pvpers will remain, sounds good to me
Sure, all I’m asking for is a transfer out of the dead server concentration camp.
I wouldn’t go to one that’s heavily imbalanced the other way because this problem is categorically toxic. It will kill the servers it manifests on.
I just want to play the game
The epitome of entitlement: “That thing you’re complaining about is not a problem because it’s not happening to me.”
The greater community, especially Horde, brought this on themselves. Rampant ganking, camping, and roving death squads overwhelming smaller groups of players only serves to make the opposition stop playing out of frustration. It’s the players’ fault and it’s time to deal with the consequences.
You wanna know why many of us have no sympathy for you?
If you went to Vegas, and lost a cool grand at the Black Jack table. Then took to social media that is isn’t fair because the house uses a six deck shoe, would you expect to be taken seriously? Some people might, but the majority would tell you your nuts.
You knew the risk of rolling on a PVP server, and the wager was your open world experience. Now you lost and are screaming on the forums how its not fair, and some how its the house (Blizzards) fault.
PVP has been what it is for 15 years, you knew the risk and rolled the dice, its on you.
Then you should have taken the transfers when they were offered. If you didn’t see this coming, when there were statistics already showing how out of balance the servers were getting, then that’s entirely on you, not Blizzard. You already said that they gave you an out before P2, and you didn’t take it.
But hey, you can always reroll on a PvE server. We have none of the problems you’re talking about.
You should go play another game. Judging from your post, this one in it’s Classic form isn’t for you.
That’s stupid and you know it. When you buy a game that’s supposed to be an exact replica of a game you played extensively ten years ago there isn’t an implied risk that actually it’s going to be a systematic genocide simulator.
It is absolutely not what it was before. They’ve massively increased the populations of these servers without increasing the space in the world. They knew this would create a massive problem if the faction balance became obscene. They knew and they did nothing.
They allowed already outnumbered ally transfers off before phase 2 because they don’t care. All I’m asking is that they remain consistent and continue to not care about killing the server and let people escape these idiotic concentration camp servers.
Or you can just watch them die. Whatever.
There are other games.
stereotypical horde post
opinion discarted
Stereotypical alliance crying while disregarding anything that isn’t a “woe is me” circle jerk
The forums for those other games are just as fun as forums for this one!
Then maybe you should have checked to see whether the players are the same as they were back then. This is a player problem, caused by players. The systems in place are the same as they were back then. But players know more, now, and are better able to organize, through Discord and other services. It isn’t the game that has changed, it is everything around it, including its players.
Lol horde mad they won’t be able to roam in their 40 man gank squads anymore. wPvP is dead, deal with it. Everyone going to BGs.
Yeah im so mad that I’ll be able to consistently farm ally in BGS instead of having to track down all the cowards hiding from pvp
It’s my fault for embracing the community I leveled with… and assuming that blizzard wouldn’t deliberately and knowingly kill the server?
Yeah, what the hell was I thinking…
Playing classic for the community and assuming that a tier one game studio with the most MMO experience of any studio… ever could manage faction balance were indeed stupid assumptions.
I should have developed no attachment to anyone I met and instead referred to them by their class. I should have assumed blizzard was systematically incompetent and didn’t care about having servers die right and left.
Can I have your stuff?
Its a Player vs Player server, in other words people are going to be trying to simulate genocide on each other. That was the risk, to say there was no risk is what is stupid. It was your choice, you don’t like your options, and now your here looking for people to back you up. Be an adult and accept the responsibility of your choice.
You said you have quit, and there are other games. I strongly advise you not to engage in PVP on any game.