I had a vague idea, but I had no idea it’d be as bad as it was - I also didn’t know the number of players. And Blizzard’s inaction is the most frustrating part.
Also, “reroll” is a cop out answer.
I had a vague idea, but I had no idea it’d be as bad as it was - I also didn’t know the number of players. And Blizzard’s inaction is the most frustrating part.
Also, “reroll” is a cop out answer.
I keep hearing people talk about how Blizzard should do something, but I have yet to hear a solution to the prickly problem of WPVP that doesn’t devolve into punishing the dominant faction on server.
And reroll is the logical answer, particularly if you’ve reached a point where the game is “unplayable” on your server.
The solution would have been to faction lock character creation and transfers from the get-go. It shouldn’t be possible for there to BE a dominant faction on a pvp server.
Too late now.
Literally nothing can be done about it now, and at least several pvp servers WILL die.
Easier said then done when 99% of the level 60s afk in sw or If . Or they are all too busy pve or too scared to fight back . It’s rare to even get a group that will fight back. The SS farm is the only big groups I have seen . Most the time alliance won’t fight back ever or help ever . It’s been like this on retail too . I don’t get it . I really don’t .
Pretty much this
It’s because horde players have this bizarre superiority / hatred complex that alliance players just don’t have.
Simply put, the Alliance just doesn’t care about the horde.
But the horde have this weird napoleon complex going on (always have) where they think they’re better, have to kill the Alliance, etc.
I don’t understand it, but it’s there.
I’d faction switch to get better queues. I just don’t want to level i hate it.
Yeah the majority of the horde on the horde dominated servers have this mentality.
The horde are the underdogs on heartseeker and It’s great having the alliance bring the fight to you everywhere. On this server, the alliance are more bloodthirsty then the horde are.
How? HOW is this a cop out answer? It’s absolutely true that if you’ve progressed your character as far as you can in two months, you can do so again and probably faster without all the peeveepee interruptions.
But the most important thing, you would be enjoying yourself. You would be having fun.
Blizzard screwed this up. Personally I’m not at all surprised since they ruin everything they touch. They’re not going to fix it and if they try God knows what you’ll end up with.
Telling people to reroll isn’t a cop out. It is, in fact, the only logical solution.
It’s funny how fast other people jump to re-roll as they don’t have to put in the work and do it all over again. Asking people to suck it up and re-roll is just makes most players quit.
Bro, you just have to understand how horribly disheartening that is.
Many of us rolled to play with our friends, many of us already have raid gear, many of us have 1 or more full time jobs, and / or kids…
It took me the full time classic has been out to get where I was when I un-subbed, and I just can’t, won’t do it again.
You shouldn’t be so dismissive.
I just won’t do it again. I’m very far from alone.
You should advocate for transfers.
I’m just not doing another 2-3 months to get another toon to 60. It’s just not happening, and it’s just not a reasonable thing for you to tell me to do.
Edit: and no, it would NOT be fun knowing I was worthlessly grinding through all that slog again.
It never should have been like this. I’m all for PVP servers, but the server population is simply too high.
You think throwing away two months of effort isnt a big deal?
Delete your character and level a paladin on a PVP server if you think it’s not terribly inconvenient. I mean think of all the fun you could be having.
Then quit. And all that effort put into your character is still gone, isn’t it?
Blizzard isn’t going to fix your pvp servers. Blizzard isn’t going to fix your pvp servers. Everyone could see this coming the second they launched mega servers. But not Blizzard. Their motto should be, “Blizzard: because we can’t see in front of our faces.” Maybe it’s all the snowflakes overrunning their company.
They’ve been ruining their game for over a decade. They don’t even read Beta feedback. They don’t care. Quite honestly I feel bad for people who aren’t able to play the game. And I believe them when they say they literally can’t. But the only one who can change this situation is you.
It shouldn’t be that way but it is.
Yeah, but I’m not going to pay for that. I deeply regret subscribing for classic and I unconditionally refuse to give blizzard more money. I certainly will not just chalk up my time and money wasted as a bad call and reroll.
This isn’t bfa where it takes 2 days (or whatever) to get to max level. I didn’t even get to do what I wanted in the game (the endless 5 man dungeon grind for blues).
I will not NOT NOT NOT pay blizzard even a dime more. I am not re-rolling, I am not paying them 2-3 more months of sub-fees to do the same crap again.
No, No, No.
This is my paladin that I’m slowly leveling up on my PvE server. It’s not inconvenient, it’s fun.
I’m not going to level up anything on a PvP server because I’m not insane.
He specifically said pvp server so your post is not meaningful nor contributory. You’re in the wrong thread.
I’m not disputing that leveling up on a PvP server is inconvenient, frustrating, and not fun. Neither am I suggesting he reroll on a PvP server.
I didn’t say that.
You replied to a post saying “reroll a paladin on a pvp server and say it’s not a big deal” with “this is my pve server paladin.”
What are you even doing here or trying to say?
Where did I ever say rolling a paladin on a PvP server wasn’t a big deal?? Never said that, did I? No. So as long as we’re attributing things to posters that they never said, there ya’ go.
What are you doing here, other than yelling at the sky? Blizzard doesn’t even read these forums.
I gave you a solution to your problem. You don’t like it. That’s fine, don’t do it but don’t get pissed off at me because I can’t fix your server.